
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The uninteresting facts of failure that broaden the vision

       We get failure once in our life. No one can say that I have always been successful. If anyone claims so, either he is beyond the truth or taking success in a narrow sense. Everyone knows that success and failure are the opposite faces of the coin. 

        All men experience both, but only some are able to survive in the failure, and the rest are not liable to survive even in success because they never encountered the failure properly so the writers and the motivators amplify the failure in the broader sense because it strengthens not only the relations, desires, and sustainability of life, but also broadens the vision.

     Vision is a bigger concept. It includes the idea of one’s imagination that does not exist yet. In the Oxford dictionary, it is defined as original and showing the ability to think about or plan the future with great imagination and intelligence. It offers a refined plan, applied strategy, and flexible and stony way forward. Failure is not as disturbing as it is treated, but if we are not able to tackle it maybe it is possible to harm. 

     We all live in a society that installs various values in men’s minds. Society is a gift as well as a curse for us. It makes us noble, helps us succeeding, motivates us to achieve a milestone, and also assists us to get a reputation, but in contrast, it demoralizes us during the struggle daunts after failure, indicates people to go beyond us, and even disheartens us.

    Getting failure is not one’s fortune. The reason behind the failure has been identified by the succeeded, analyzed by the motivators and written by the writers, but the list is not short. The more common and most accepted uninteresting facts of failure, no one would like to belong to this category, follow…

1.    Caring for the opinion of mates: - It is first of these uninteresting facts that lead to beyond the success. If your mates whether praise or criticize you; it is human nature to react against this vague opinion. Getting praise we are trapped in the illusion of no need of reading, and getting criticism we start thinking about it why they criticize us and what wrong with them and with us. In both situations, we spend lots of time without productive work that is not advantageous at any cost.
2.   The burden of society: - It is an unwanted burden. We do work according to the wish of the others, not ours. We start worrying about the need, happiness, and even the pleasure of our friends and relatives that harm us and make us mentally unstable.
3.     Exaggeration of pseudo personality: - During struggle, preparation, and effort we try to make an image in front of our colleagues. Answering one or two questions more and keeping good arguments in the so-called debate; we prefer ourselves as a warrior, talented, and good debater. We craft our delusory image in our mind that gives us short term pleasure without worth and long term harm with pain.
4.   Thinking about the END, not the MEANS: - A normal tendency of the human mind concentrates the post-success scenario. We think about the end and feel pleasure probably at night sleeping. In very next day we wake up and forget the dream but still sense the end. We never think about the means and if we think so we can get the end otherwise it will be a big nightmare for us.
5.     Not joining with the modern civilization: - We believe that once we get the goal, we will do everything for us. We will wear branded shirt-pants, will focus on body posture, will improve our style of eating, sleeping, walking, etc., and caring our languages like speaking as well as writing HINDI and ENGLISH well, but it is a big fault because all these kinds of stuff are part of our personality development that shows the way towards success.

       These are some uninteresting facts in which no one would like to be familiar as mentioned above, but knowingly and unknowingly many people experience these. One who went through above the facts, one knows that these construct dilusion and kill the real potential of the man. 

       We must think that without modernity what our future will be. Modernity not only includes using mobile sets, the internet, and other electronic gadgets, but also comprises of civilizational changes like looking good posture, carved hair, well-mentioned clothing, and most necessary mode of talking.

How the failure broadens the vision

      We fail and rejected in society. We fail and lose all friends, wealth, and health for some period, even time, emotions, and most importantly existence. It is the time when we think deeply about all our relations, mischief done by others, our mistakes, drawbacks, and plan. We learn from our past mistakes, are careful to plan the future again, and be focused on getting it. 

      This time we believe in our existence. It is our broad vision that excludes all the drawbacks and includes all the advantages which were left before. We get the milestone because we move from the haunted shadow of idealism to prosperous realism. Our all believe are broken and a new tradition of work culture starts growing.