
Monday, August 17, 2020

The call of hope

        In 2016, he was 23 years old. An addicted brother, late father and the private job doer mother, that’s all in his life. 

      An established thought explains- a complete family is the gift of God, but a limited family of two instead of even a nuclear family is like a curse for everyone as him. No one wants to go in this no calling situation but, unfortunately, he was unwillingly enjoying this crucial infancy moment.

      His name was Shan Gupta and was from the mysterious land of Bihar where all developmental indicators touch the bottom. But people of this state can be found anywhere in any field with reputable identity. Numbers show the Bihari’s stance of journalism, bureaucracy, politics, film making, acting and engineering get top priority.

      A little dark complexion, approx 170cm height, unexercised posture and fatty shape is enough to distinguish him as a devoted chap to his long-awaited dream. The question ‘How long his dream was?’ is debatable then and even now. The ambition is still far from him. No one can determine that when one would get the dream. Like every studious Bihari, his desire was for Indian Administrative Service.

      With proper concentration, a defined strategy and attractive consistency; anyone can aim the dream as toppers say every year. But why does the topper not make out these tips during preparation? They are also in confusion about everything, and the tag gives him way flapping their wings. These are the exaggeration by the media to create a sensation. We should not believe in.  

      These suggestions for rank apply to expected daily life. But can these stick to the guy like Shan? Initially, the state of Shan was normal as nature that performs its function in ordinary to an extraordinary situation.

      In 2-3 years, time reverses, and the situation touches the abnormal. The only source of living in the city has wiped out after his mother’s accident. An addicted brother becomes more addicted, and many friends turn the face away. The dream Stays dream. Now the issue of survival takes priority instead of getting the intent. The question is what Shan Gupta can secure the rank?

     Saved money has vanished. Friend circle that motivated initially but now has found the way to demotivate him. Relations have limited to only suggestion. Girlfriend has left away. He is a sole animal in his family and in society with a helpless mother. Can you assume the guy would able to pick up his dream? 

     The dream is a fountain for many. An optimistic desire to catch the cascade but a realistic unearths the way for a new fountain. Indian administrative service is a fountain. Like Shan, almost all deserving candidates bid their fortune at least once. It is a brutal optimism, but when its culmination ends, realism grows from the grave of it.

     So far Shan had understood the chronology, and probably his optimistic zeal has finished, but the ray of hope was still alive on the ground of realism. He had started looking for a private job to survive in the city with his mother. But it was tough to get a piece of work for an unskilled Shan. He looked for a day tonight. He was unable. It is a condition for almost every Bihari student who prepares for government examination, but many of them are not able to obtain it. In result, they have no skills, no link to modernity and no elements of endurance like the knowledge of English, dressing sense, communication skills, behaviour etc. that are required for survival. 

     They wander one place to another for seeking a job. Presently no one comes forward assisting them. They think these aspirants are over and people began ignoring them. The same Shan was feeling. He has been disregarded, but there was one non-identical point. Many aspirants felt these moments at the end of the final failure, but he joins this group in his phase of transition. He was probably 26 years old.

      He has watched the world more extensive than the people he knows. An addicted brother has no life and even no importance for the family. If his mother passes away, no one will care about him. A helpless mother is on the bed, and he now goes for a minimal stipend so that he could live in the city.

      At this stage, his friend circle has broken, and the day has packed for earning money. The study hour has reduced to 1-2 hours. The euphoria has become shrunken.

And for the people like Shan, Journey continues. ðŸ˜¥