
Monday, May 17, 2021

Days in SEWA Bharati. COVID Care Centre

           It was the 2nd of May when I tested positive and went for home isolation. I faced this tough time which intensity grew up due to my habit of living alone in Delhi. I was unable to manage medicines, food and other required items like gargle liquid and gas cylinder for taking warm water and vapour. These are essential and urgent requirements to fight against Covid.

        I had no sense of being trapped in this trouble during this depressed and distressed period of time, but I got trapped and here message to others is that everyone should get aware of it because sorrow produces no sound. I should have maintained the essential items like utensils, filled gas cylinder, salt, oil and eggs because pain containing covid travels with tiptoe motion. 

        When I experienced the temperature of 104F, unbearable body pain, headache and mild coughing in initial days; I lost my sense that how would I survive in this city where people were crying for oxygen cylinders and beds; burning pyres were capturing the screen, and the situation was deadly because the shadow of death was gazing all the time like the vultures on snakes. Dogs, wolves, direwolves and hyenas were invited by the viruses that mean everyone was on target.

        My Covid story began 4-5 days earlier than 2nd of May while I was encountering blisters on my tongue and weaknesses. These were initial signs but I ignored. On 1st May I faced high fever for the first time and on very next day I went for RT-PCR test. It was frustating because I was unfit to even walk and scared to spread these deadly virus to others.

        I started taking prescribed medicines like DOLO 650 to control temperature, vitamin C tab, Multi Vitamins tab and a syrup for coughing but there was no impact at all. Doses of DOLO was inversally proportional to the body pain and what I was taking as medicines contained no meaning. Over all these medicines were not working.

        I stayed for at least 7 days in my room and continued taking medicines. That time, my room lady managed a little because she was scared of this virus. A friend managed me medicines but I could not take vapour and gargle due to the absence of required items.

        My head of department texted me during initial days to take concerns of my situation and later he overlooked, but I specially want to say thank you to an another head of department (other than mine), for taking regularly care of my health that stimulated me to fight against this lethal virus. Their blessings worked; I fought and finally survived.

        I will never forget some of my friends who always motivated me to be positive and try to feel me good. One is from my department and others are from Patna and another is from IIMC.

     All were not good. It was hard time to me. So depressing. I became an insomniac. Slumber was frequent, and turning in pain aside was all about. Virus was very weakening that was breaking me internally and making me a hollow man.

       On 7th day, situation was out of control. Coughing was on peak and even 18 hours of sleep did not help me to be energetic. Then, I decided to get admitted at COVID Care Centre and I occupied a bed in SEWA Bharati care centre with the help of a friend.

        I got room no. 1 at that Covid centre which was conducted by the SEWA International. In India, it is affiliated to SEWA Bharati (RSS). There were facilities of oxygen cylinders, food, fruits, medicines and every required items for totally free. A team of 4 doctors regularly monitored my temperature, blood pressure and oxygen level. 

        On 8th day, I faced a little trouble in taking breathing, but it was manageable. On 10th day, my condition started improving and it happened because of SEWA Bharati. One thing I had noticed here that doctors and attendants had no feelings of untouchability to the infected persons. They were working for the wellness of patients without hesitation and giving their 100% without any benefits. 

        Kamal Ji, one of the team members, was very fascinating and I would like to say thank you for his services and also thank you to others who were taking care of me in this Covid care centre for completely free. Also thanks to RSS and SEWA Bharati because without this organisation, perhaps I was unable to survive in this haunted city where no one is your and you are completely alone in the trouble time.

        The Magnus opus of this moment is that I have survived against this lethal virus even after the above worst situation. There is no comparison to SEWA Bharati (RSS) because the organisation provides oxygen cylinders, food, medicines and fruits for free in this worst condition. After paying Rs. 40,000 people are unable to get beds and cylinders whereas SEWA Bharati is managing these as a service for others. These are real social works that contain no juxtaposition.

      Again thank you all of them!

Pictures: 1. My isolation room with oxygen cylinders at SEWA Bharati COVID Care Centre
2. Space for attendants

3. A team of doctors and volunteers

4. A volunteer that managed me food and daily use items