
Friday, December 30, 2022

Avatar: The Way of Water

Book/film review- 12

         Avatar: The Way of Water— It messages to connect with flora&fauna and its idea embraces idealism. A child-centric movie allures the audience with their adventure even after owing weak action scenes. 

“The way of water has no beginning and no end. The sea is around you and in you. The sea is your home, before your birth and after your death. Our hearts beat in the womb of the world. Our breath burns in the shadows of the deep. The sea gives and the sea takes. Water connects all things, life to death, darkness to light.”   

**VIDEO GRAB** A scene from the film Avatar: The Way of Water.
          The sequel of the original ‘Avatar’ hits the world in its 13th year. James Cameron comes with a marvellous idea with a nuance of environmentalism that shows the indigenous people living peacefully in ‘Pandora’ and ‘sky people’ try to ambush the resourced land. For this, sky people create ‘Avatars’ like the habitants of the native land so that they can feel comfort and access their resources to fight against them.

           It’s been 13 years, it’s not easy to remember who’s who and what’s what in ‘Avatar: The Way of Water.’ Although the sequel is smartly and stylishly written, but the initial half time focuses to build the storyline and to give the details of the characters.

          The sequel starts with Sully family headed by Jake Sully. He was initially a marine and years after he’s decided to retire and take up residence on Pandora where he was sent to colonise. He becomes member of the Navi tribe and marries Neytiri, a habitat of the the Pandora. Both Jake and Neytiri train their children. 

The ambience of the PVR at Chanakyapuri on Thursday, Dec. 29, 2022. It is fondlesome. A great place gives great experience. (Pic- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

         ‘Kiri’, emotional and sensitive, is one of the family members whose character is fully seen in the film which centres to save her family because it is said, when Sully is in trouble, ”Sullys stick together.”

         Jack efforts to preserve his family, but when he with his family members is forced to flee the forest and takes refuge with the reef people, Cameron shows the eye-catching flora and fauna of the sea. It is the point of attraction when audiences realise the visual fascination into scene. We connect with Kiri when she makes relation with sea creatures and efforts to explore the corals. 

          The film concludes itself with a war between Forest-Reef people and the sky people led by Avatar. The war ends with the defeat of sky people. Children save their family members and their effort and act make the film child-centric. Their adventure admires us. Jake lost his one of the sons. Spider (monkey boy) returns back to Jake after saving his biological father ‘Avatar’, and Jake says: one son for the one son.

Star: **** (4 out of 5)

Sunday, December 25, 2022

My Diary: 2 years behind the 30th Spring of Life

          It’s 1 o’ clock night on December 26, 2022 in Delhi when I am writing this. Christmas is just over. People have celebrated the day wearing Santa caps. Metro, park, mall and some places of importance were neck-packed with red-headed children, young men and women. The latest years witness the Christmas with the new year as a symbol of social harmony commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ with the decorated Churches.  

         The day has become past just before 1 hour. But, in present, Delhi is witnessing chilling winter. I am in bed looking back the series of events. Every year I think that how dumb I was in previous year. Even this year, I was worn caps of stupidity by the people surrounding me. I love cap because it gives a recognition, and Santa cap gives a cheerful mood. 

**Video Grab**Caressing of puppies on a chilling winter day in Delhi on Dec. 25, 2022. (Pic- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

          This December of 2022 has been more challenging to me. I learnt the importance of money. You can imagine how idiot I am after saying it. Series of events kept me stand up in the middle of the road where I can turn left, right, up and down. At point, I have no hesitation to say that if I will take rebirth as human, my dad should always be same!

          It’s 1:15 in the same night. I have switched on my room heater thinking if there are some bad people, obviously, there should be good ones too. Because, as per science, without balance in any structure, it can’t be sustained. After getting relieved from a frustrating place, where I have gone, there are many who have strived to induct me. I can’t forget their initial support and indirect sympathy when everything was against me. 

          It’s 1:30 and I just ordered a book- ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’, memoir by American author Mitch Albom, cogitating what is happening? Don’t worry because each and everything happens with a cause. It may go against in present, but it will always benefit you!

Mood- cheerful ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜‰

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Politics: Forrest Gump of Indian Politics

         Do you remember Tom Hanks-starrer ‘Forrest Gump’? The crux is that he does everything with full devotion but no one takes him seriously. In climax, he runs an unlimited race and grows his beard long. A caravan joins the race, media talks about it, but no one knows why he suddenly stops his race saying I am going for rest. A similar film is also remade, Aamir Khan-starrer Laal Singh Chadha in the Indian context with same intent.

         Congress leader Rahul Gandhi also started a race ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ from Kanyakumari. People joined it too. The race now has reached the national capital after completing thousand miles from its beginning. In Delhi, he meets his mother Sonia Gandhi, it seems, the mother of Forrest and Laal caresses her son. Whether the story appears same as the films but the intent of Rahul Gandhi needs to be recognised even after his grown up white-and-black beard.

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi with his mother and party leader Sonia Gandhi during Bharat Jodo Yatra in New Delhi. (Pic- @INCIndia)

          In T-shirt and pant, he started his race from Tamil Nadu, covering Kerala, Maharashtra, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan from hot to cold weather, he has visited Delhi in the chilling winter wearing same outfit. In many opinion, it shows his strong determination to change the fate of Congress in electoral politics. 

         After some days, the Yatra will be concluded in Jammu and Kashmir. It will be a matter of analysis how the party gets benefitted and makes his strong presence in Indian politics.

Before the analysis, let see his political stunts!

        One who is born with a silver spoon can't be blamed for not doing work accordingly.

        Rahul Gandhi was born on 19 June 1970 in Delhi. His initial schooling was in St. Columba’s School in Delhi. Thereafter, he studied in the Doon School in Dehradun and has been part of the University of Delhi, Harvard University, and Trinity College.

         He started his political career with Congress like his mother, father, sister and other family members did. 

        In the opinion of many, his activity attracts people to troll him on Social Media. He never responds on saying ‘Pappu’. Comparing with other leaders, we find no leader a bit nearer to him. This is the first remarkable beauty of him-Patience.

       He has crossed the age of 50 but he is still a scion of Congress. He guides the Congress workers as a mentor to unite for the good of India. It happens because he learns from every defeat and exhibits himself in the changed version containing energy and euphoria to win, which is the second one.

        He joins a protest staged by UPSC aspirants, many from Hindi speaking belt, at Mukherjee Nagar demanding to increase the number of attempts and age limit in view of syllabus change. He not only listened to the grievances of the aspirants but also fulfilled, in result, attempt and maximum age for General candidates became 6 and 32. 

        He visited Jawahar Lal Nehru University in support of a protest that had been taken out to maintain the integrity of the university. Then, a segment of media and civil society was bombarding in the allegation of raising anti-national slogans in the campus. Then, Rahul Gandhi stood with the university students. It is his goodness that pushes him to follow the line that might go against the interest of the party.

         And, the last in this list regarding electoral reform intends to be recognised. Once the court decided that if a candidate has been convicted in criminal cases for 2 or more than 2 years will be automatically disqualified to contest the election again. The decision had just delivered, and RJD leader Lalu Prasad Yadav, then an ally of UPA, had been disqualified after being convicted in fodder scam for 6 years. The UPA government led by Manmohan Singh came with an ordinance to nullify the decision, but Mr. Gandhi torn the copies of the ordinance in an election rally.

         After being mocked and ridiculed in the sections of society, he enjoys the life moment and party activities happily. He cares the interest of the people. Having even gone against the party line, he exhibits his allegiance to society. 

       Concludingly, Bharat Jodo Yatra has reached in its middle in Delhi. His race is about to complete. Like Forrest Gump and Laal, he has grown his beard that gives him an attractive appearance. Wearing a single-type T-shirt and pant displays his personality. It has become fact that the future of congress will be decided after the conclusion of the Yatra: he takes rest as Forrest or continues his effort to keep the party alive!

Friday, December 23, 2022

My Diary: 2022 ends with professional learnings

       The year 2022 is about to end that lessoned me professionally as well as personally. 

       It had so much complexity in its grave. I felt numerous unexpected encounters in the journey of 2022. Whether it had complexity and unexpected-ness, it couraged me to stand.

At a restaurant in December 2022 after resigning my previous employer.

        The professional journey started with the covid-affected months of 2020. Lockdown was just over. I was called for an interview at a company and after some complications, I was hired there. I uninterestingly joined a department where I experienced unprofessional behaviour even in the beginning and It went long with me, approximately 2 years. There, I attempted to work for an another department (what I felt then) but I failed to be entertained.

         I still think that it was a curse and nightmare for me to work in that department. Then, my frustration level had increased. I was depressed in terms of doing what I wished never. My confidence was touching the toe. Appraisal was done seeing the faces of professionals. Performance held no meaning. If you were a master of a little buttering tactics, you will get benefitted. And, if you had joined with an approach, you’ll face no harassment from the management. 

         The 2020 had almost broke me. And, it was repeated in 2021 but the year gave me confidence to stand even after getting Rs 16,000 per month for one year for a rigorous work of 8 hours. With an effort of the boss, I got Rs 20,000 per month for the next year for the same work. The old lion was good-hearted but he was double standard. I learnt some lessons from him but I never wanted to learn his habits of unnecessary shouting, to-be-good on only face and providing benefit to those who keep buttering without doing excellent work. 

        In the end of 2022, circumstances had changed and I had suddenly resigned the job. I can’t explain my mental condition wherein I was going through. I was spending my crucial 8 hours without any personal benefits. I had lost my track. Anyway…nightmare was forgettable.

        I managed myself to track me. I feel glad that I passed my time there with ‘no fear.’ Whenever I needed to raise my hand, I raised my hand without hesitation. I was lucky this year that gave me moral power to converse with management gazing in their eyes and live with my attitude. It is said that showing the attitude and living the attitude, both are different thing.

          Now, it has become truth of my life that I have left my previous employer. And, that employer accused me of writing social media posts against the company. In response, the company denied me to provide my relieving letter. That has become a past moment. 

       Life is the name of motion. I learnt two lessons professionally in the last month of 2022. First, Don’t make any decision without proper planning. And, secondly, if you want to kill a snake, you need to prepare yourself with a perfect batton. But, I was unsuccessful at both points. I had no planning before quitting the company and I had no perfect batton. 

Unalome tatoo: that teaches me that after facing complexity of life you’ll be enlightened (lotus). 

        No doubt, there was unprofessional conduct and toxic work culture, I raised these concern. But, the company tried to prove me wrong in spite of looking into the gravity of the rotten situation in the department. There were many people who were worst in nature. Many of them celebrated my quitting with a party when I was coming out the place. It was an act similar to beating drum on the death of a person.

       In December, 2022, I was penny less. I can’t explain how I managed my days without money. These days, a few out of many spread their hands to support me after asking many times for a little assist. 

         Actually, it was necessary to me. I was taught the importance of money. And, I took the line of Yuval Noah Harari into consideration: Money is the only trust system created by humans!

       I have no hesitation to confess that it was fact that I have chosen media professionalism with a hope after continuous failure in the civil services examination. I don’t know that why I went through this situation? I still want to find answer that actually it was fault of my first job at such company where working culture was full of toxicity or it was fault of under-graded or inferior employees who were in fear of insecurity and they kept slandering to make their number in the eyes of the head?

         The year will end in some days with a ray of new hope for me at an another place. Let leave the past! Live the present! Celebrate Christmas and New Year with the ashes of past! 

        R. Suresh Bhardwaj! Be happy with lessons of your first professional journey and concentrate your primary goal what you want! Don’t forget what you are doing is secondary! 

Saturday, December 17, 2022

My Diary- The Wall: New hope for the abandoned animal

A long time ago in a kingdom far, far away…

     It was a period of dark for a wolf who recently joined the wall, the darkest in the kingdom and a habitat of the abandoned animals! 

        The wall was situated in the north, which carried no rules, regulations and protocols.

Pic source-

         It was built just a year ago when an animal uninterestingly joined the wall under an old lion whose teeth and nails were no longer sharper. Then the old lion was making effort with the abandoned animals to brighten the wall in the shining kingdom. But, these animals were frustrated and depressed by the untouchable behaviour of the small council of the kingdom. 

         The small council never paid attention to the grievances of the wall. Once an animal raised his hands for the wall’s concern but he was forced to down his hands accusing of ‘the wall was not revenue generator.’ It enhanced the level of animals’ frustration. Animals carried no fault because they followed all rules and regulations of the kingdom.

         In response, the small council always harassed the animals keeping the queen of kingdom in dark. The queen probably did not know what was being done by these lords of small things. These lords were hollowing out the kingdom like worms as the small council did for the Robert Baratheon in the Game of Thrones, and the queen of this current kingdom was ignorant about it.

         The animal who was forced to down his hands was not a tiny animal on the wall. He was wolf, but was actually dire wolf who joined the wall as warrior but the old lion forced him to work as steward. Slowly-slowly he reached to his position of the Lord Commander of the wall. But, his interest did not lie there and he wanted to go beyond the wall. He uninterestingly reigned the wall and the wall celebrated its fanfare during his tenure, and animals enjoyed immunity.

        The wall’s strength increased with the increasing number of rats and mice. Some rats and mice came with great favour of the small council and other some with great potential. An elephant also joined the wall and its number grew up to two with an old and injured elephant. Both were sitting together and they were the prime defender of the wall. They were virtuous and great hearted. They never wanted to harm other animals to get benefited on the wall. The wolf was familiar to elephants because a good vibe was coming from them. 

        A ‘kid mouse’ was also part of the wall’s army. She was childish. She needed a care and a look-after. When the wolf asked her with a little scold to do work of the wall, she started crying and the wolf did not feel good. Because animals were professional army of the wall and they defended it as per their potential. The wolf can’t explain her attitude and behaviour except saying she held a nuance of wall’s work and was laborious. 

        Before coming of that kid mouse, an another ‘mouse of foreign origin’, also joined the wall. She knew nothing how to work on the wall and also held no way of professional talking. She was potentially incapable in every aspect with comparison to other animals. The wolf trained her and kept her on the front seat, and she took it for granted. The wolf saved her at every moment when she needed, ignored her mistakes and made her reputation on the wall in the eyes of old lion. Other animals knew that the wolf favoured her even after she did not deserve for it. 

         The wolf made her a cat from a ‘mouse of foreign origin’. She pretended herself a real cat and started clawing. She actually portrayed herself as ‘Bhashmasur’ of Hindu mythology and the wolf became Lord ‘Shiva’ for her. The wolf sensed her activity and bad intention, but he only observed her malicious movement, and even after that he always saved her along with rats, mice and elephants from the attacks of wildings (dogs). 

        Dogs were uncivilised and were also not disciplined. They attacked the wall for many times and the defenders of the wall under their Lord Commander always defended it. Dogs were obedient to their master and were always in the alert mode to attack the wall but their attacks never succeeded after one or two initial hunting of mice.

         There were a convocation of eagles who resourced the wall. They flied high and provided feed to the defenders of the wall. They were familiar to both the wall’s defenders and the wildings. So, automatically they held sign of danger. And, the wolf had sense of it. He established his leg with the wildings, eagles and the old lion. 

         Eagles were far-sighted and changed their side according to situation. Many times, they made plans with wildings to hunt the wolf because he was the strongest animal on the wall. But, the wolf was sharp-minded and smelled the danger. His establishment of leg with the old lion worked and he managed the plot easily. 

         Days rolled. The time circle turned. Conflict grew up. Wildings became aggressive. And, the wolf neglected it and ignored the wildings activity. 

        The wolf was also familiar to the eagles. Eagles told a story to many. One day an eagle narrated the story to the wolf.

“There was an another wolf. He joined the wall when it was just built. Then the old lion’s nails and teeth were still sharper. In very short time, he became right hand of the old lion. He worked hard. He completed all work in time. Even after that he was exploited by the small council. The old lion did not favoured him. He wished to work at an another castle but the old lion objected. Now, he decided to desert the wall. But, there was an unconditional oath that was: once an animal joined the wall could not desert the wall. He was symbolically beheaded by the old lion as Ned Stark was beheaded due to his loyalty to the kingdom in the Game of Thrones.”

        The current wolf stopped the eagle and said, “He was only a wolf but I was dire wolf. Dire wolf was rarely found south of the wall. I knew him and currently he was serving punishment at an another castle of the wall. It had become a curse for him to work under the old lion.” The conversation in that time went long and the dire wolf again ignored.

          Now the dire wolf decided to transmit the grievances of the wall to the queen. The coward animals on the wall managed to keep their mouths mum. In his attempt, he tensed with many lords of the small council. He raised questions at many points. The small council became alert. The wolf was targeted but he was stubborn. He knew that these lords did their immoral work keeping the queen of the kingdom in dark. 

         The queen must have understood that the large kingdoms dashed to ground due to the incapable small councils and sneaky lords of small things. 

         The wolf left the wall because he can’t be tamed. He was a member of free folk. He went beyond the wall to excavate his journey. The dire wolf was rarely found south of the wall, it was fact. If he mistakenly joined the wall, it could not be imagined that he was one of those animals!

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Guide: Story of a common man how he does great work

Book/film review- 11

(Based on the novel with same name written by RK Narayanan.)

‘’Wahan Kaun Hai Tera Musafir Jayega Kahan.”

Screen grab from the film Guide

       The film ‘Guide’ starts with this song, which is sung by SD Burman, when Raju (Dev Anand) releases from the jail as he completes his prison term. He is on the way to his village remembering the past days. He remembers his mother how he asked him for breakfast, and some embracing moments, but in just a minute, he recalled the days communicating himself how the village slandered and made mockery of him when he was going to jail. 

       And, he turns his way to an another place, visits an unfamiliar spot. He lays on the turf of a temple for rest. The very early morning witnesses his meeting with a villager who is in thought of attempting suicide, but changes his mind after looking at Raju. 

Screen grab from the film Guide.

        The story grows with saint Raju who has now become a great preacher for the villagers. He has started living on the locals’ meal and has indulged himself in doing all stuff in welfare of the village. Raju is now in habit of doing all activities like saint. His dressing sense, speaking style, tone and living standard, all has been changed. 

        Once Raju was said ‘Railway Raju’ for running business at a railway station to sell useless newspapers and books. His schedule was hectic. He picked up old magazines and books from the garbage and sold these to the railway passengers with good margin. It was a profitable business for him that was sustained from his father.

        But, his passion was to be a guide. He was famous at the railway station as guide Raju. One day a wealthy and aging archaeologist comes to the city with his young wife Rosie and approached him for the exploration of a cave. He guides the archaeologist for the exploration and knows that his wife Rosie is not happy with him due to her passion of dancing. 

        One day, the archaeologist is busy at the cave and in loneliness his wife Rosie attempted suicide, Raju saved her. Sequence of events makes her a friend of him and he starts wandering her in the village. His reputation begins going down because Rosie is a dancer and he starts living with her. His mother leaves him questioning his relationship with her.

        But, Raju says nothing to her. He falls in love with her. By his effort, she becomes a popular dancer. Both earn lots of money. Life keeps going happily. 

         One day, she raises a question on him that why he is not earning. And, the relation between him and her goes worsening. He goes jail and after completing his term visits a village where he peaches to the villagers. 

         He learns lots of lessons and one of them is ‘no one becomes familiar without motive’. He gets salvation after keeping fast to receive precipitation for the well-being of villagers. In end, he holds nothing but becomes a great soul. 

Friday, December 9, 2022

My Diary: Riding Zero

“No one can defeat you, unless you defeat yourself.”

      At a moment, a man is at his bottom line. That is extreme and he, now, can’t go down the line. It is my bottom line after resigning from a company recently and the employer denied me to give my relieving letter accusing me of writing social media posts against the company. At point, that employer can do what maximally: maybe the company would confiscate to work and I am already out of the place on my wish. 

Screenshot from social media

        When I look back, I think, once I wanted to work there for an another department but, in words of comedian Zakir Khan, the world is ‘haramzadi (metaphorical)’ and will never opportune you that time and when it will opportune you, it holds no meaning more. For that, I would not like to blame the head of that department because I have learnt that tiny part of lesson which was left to learn.

        In hope of that, I spent more than 2 years at a frustrating department. Positively, it improved my level of patience, but negatively it made me…can’t say. Having passed 8-10 hours each work day, I have no reason to forget my relieving letter that is immorally withheld by my previous employer. 

       Ironically, yesterday I wished to work in the print section of that company, and today I want my relieving letter, but the company will not provide me with a straight finger. I need to bend my finger. And I also know the fact that over the time the relieving letter will hold no meaning at all for me. For the sake of justice, the happening of events might drag the concerning persons into the court for what I hold as legal right.

       Over all, I ride on zero (shunya) that means I have nothing to lose. Let me see where this confronting journey will end!

Monday, December 5, 2022

My Diary: In her eyes

        She was almost a chatterbox and was not so fair. Her hair was silky and the glow of her face was fondlesome. Her face without scars was alluring him, and a mole at right above her upper lip enhanced her beauty that was more visible during her smile.

A view of a restaurant. (Pic- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

        Her smile gave an intimating shining of her eyes: the inward gleam of beauty! There was no comparison. Her eyes were everything for him. Eyebrow lining was perfect and her eye lining marked its incredibility. 

         Sometimes he chuckled thinking her eyes as Chamaleon, but just after her eyes bewitched him to stop chuckling and spread the strings of hallucination to fantasize in the uncertain deep of her blackish eyes.

         Actually, she owed all gestures and elements of charmer that were manifested in her eyes with the triangular shape of her face. Her face revealed all her secrecy, and sometimes it was ignorable. But, the partially covered eyes with the silky hair never told lies to him of her loneliness. 

         Only she could encounter the reasons behind, but that was the perfect time to him thinking about the sorrow, pain and misery faced by one even after holding all of external beauty. 

        And, he found himself pondering to the point of inner beauty that holds happiness, joy, delight and exultation.

        He had been realising it since he met her in a College NGO function. That function became only a function for him. His participation had no meaning after catching the first glimpse of her eyes that was limited to 2-3 seconds. 

        An hour long ceremony was all about her eyes for him that concluded in almost 5 seconds. But, it was minimal for both and was a short step before the dawn. Days are rolling almost doing the same at a same meeting point.

        She was thinking always about a day that will strike the moment once and we both will need to hold for the long. But, it was a question that time when it will be experienced. 

        He had no option except looking into her eyes what he wanted till holding each one's hands.

        It had been sensed that her eyes were comparatively deeper than her emotion when he ignored its Chamaleon-ness. 

        He never went down from the eyes because her face was veiled with a mask as part of precaution against coronavirus. 

       He got himself confused when she slid her mask once and he perceptualised that her face was really rectangular not triangular. 

      What he had assumed about her face became suddenly wrong, but it impacted nothing his fondness towards her eyes.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

My Diary: An hour at Coffee Cafe Day

       I reached to a point ‘no one was familiar to me’ after observing initial 10 minutes at Coffee Cafe Day. Everyone was in pair and enjoying the table.

Coffee Cafe Day at Connaught Place, in New Delhi, in Nov. 2021. (Pic by R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

       If I ignore the colour, I get no difference in girls' hair style. These all are silky and probably they get the look after visiting Spa parlours. And, I try to create a mimic, that is: they all are holding bilateral talking in their tables.

       Suddenly, I witness a girl of almost 25 approached to a table. She is at least single at the cafe. She is just opposite to me and incidentally her hair was silky too. Her eyes were not as Chamaleon, but similar to me.

        My order of one smoked chicken with a cup of caffe mocha takes space on my table. I just take a sip of coffee with the sound of srrrrr..., the girl, sitting opposite to me, passes her attention. With every sip, she is becoming nearer and nearer to me in her conscious as I was assuming. 


       After drinking almost half of the cup, I waves my hand to her as an invitation to share my table. Following an initial hesitation, she joins me for half an hour.


       I have no word to say. But, I break muteness and offer her my dish. She says, "No, thank you."

       After a pause, she asks me a question that when you have waved to a girl last time as you did today? 

       I never did before, "I reply" and reverts that when you have observed a boy taking a sip of coffee last time?

She only smiles and starts a formal conversation. 

What do you do? I stop her politely and say I'll answer your all questions but after you. What do you do?

She says, "I am assigned with a bank as manager, and you?

        I am a failure in achieving my primary goal that is frustrating to me. Currently, I am working unwillingly for a media company. Before joining the company, I was depressed and almost a step away attempting suicide. It was my self confidence that ironed my feet and motivated me to go hand-in-hand with fate and with a hope of becoming dawn after the darkest night. 

        My mind hints me why I am telling her and ask her as a question.

        She again smiles and tells that this is a story almost similar to me with a difference of attempting suicide. 

        She finishes her coffee and I too. I along with her hesitate to leave the table. She is about to ask my contact number and I too. But, no one dares.

        Cafe is full of couples and noises mark its peak, but my table occupied with her experience pin drop silence. My eyes are in contact with her for almost 50 seconds. Distance between me and her is in inches. Lips are touching their intensity. She is almost ready and I have no hesitation. But, her single blink breaks the flow of energy developing instant love.

        I stand up and she too. I steps out of the cafe and she almost follows me. She says good bye and I too. I board a metro to my destination and look at her seeing off. There is no exchange of number and an hour at the Coffee Cafe Day becomes only a memory for me and her too without exchanging number and a promise to meet again together.

(Originally written in Nov. 2021.)

Saturday, December 3, 2022

My Diary: Two Tales of a City

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

-  Paulo Coelho in The Alchemist

       The group of words, written above, rhymes to prompt you, me and everyone if we are disparaged and immorally confiscated. It happens and we can’t ignore its happening because we are social and want to be socialised.

Do friendship with animal. Sometimes animals are better than men. (Photo on Dec. 3 at a restaurant by R. Suresh Bhardwaj.)

        We try to be simple and virtuous. We share our personal stuff to those who seem to be well-wishers but actually they are back-stabbers. 

        Nature-wise, fortunately, I find myself in the category of ‘open book persons’. Persons who tell everything to everyone, trust on anyone and believe in no secrecy, belong to this category. They do not hold diplomacy and in the sake of others they even harm themselves. 

What the tales…

        It was the worst of time, when I was living in Patna, and it is also the worst of time, when I left an employer recently, in New Delhi. But, it was the best of time for people who surrounded me and attempted getting some sort of advantages from me. 

      In result, I found no differences in people’s behaviour of both cities. They are almost same in attitude and temperament. I should have understood their motives. 

      But, again, my understanding of worldliness has been surfaced indicating that I have no quality of dealing people. Because, I do not get over my emotionality and people can make me fool anytime.

       I shocked when HR of a company shown me a screenshot of my social media posts. HR has no access to my social media accounts, even after that HR had screenshots. 

       It happened again to me after one year when a terminated employee sent a screenshot of my suggestions to HR, that had been written for her motivation by me, but she used it as a safeguard to save her job. 

       Then, I, personally, tried to save her job and discussed to the seniors in regard but many of them, who keep showing the nuances of well-wisher of anyone on face, refused and instructed me to not favour her. Even after that screenshot of my personal chatting with her was in then HR phone. Again, two tales have been repeated in a city. 

       Overall, we can save our job of 20K, 30K and 40K by these practices. We can go nearer and nearer to boss by slandering colleagues, criticising and back-stabbing them. We can also get benefits by this methods. 

        But, how long the moral degradation of people will benefit them. Although I was denied for some documents from my previous employer and I might face loss and harm, but it will not change my approach of living life.

My photograph after 2-3 hours of evening sleep following unwanted and harassing happenings, in Delhi, on Dec. 3, 2022. (Photo by Rahul Jangra)

       May God keep them away from all evils and guide them to the path of goodness and me too. 

That’s all!