
Monday, June 20, 2022

A perspective from the Crematorium ground

      Burning pyre is the ultimate truth of life, and the crematorium ground is the actual place of truth, honesty and a showcase of what you have actually earned in your life.

People going to the crematorium ground to take part in the final rites of mr Ravi Raveendran (Pic- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

     Mr Ravi Raveendran, former deputy editor at ANI photo services, was rich in the context of the above. All who listened this tragic news of his death visit to pay tributes and lay wreath in his memory. Presence of press persons from the media industry revealed his actual personality and opened a new chapter in his post-death life.

        In my short spell of 27 years old life, I acquainted many people, and I have no hesitation to confess that my current boss is one of them who appreciated his colleagues more. One who laid wreath at the mortal remains of mr Ravi Raveendran was not him, but one of his colleague. It is a rare example that is seen hardly in this pragmatic societal set up. He is actually a elegant man.

       Officially and unofficially, it was my first real time affair to witness burning the pyre of anyone. There was pin-drop silence when the ritual was being performed before torching the pyre. Gathering of people started behaving as per the time demand, and I claim that everyone there was pondering this ultimate truth of life. What factors behind the society that run it without any strict rules and regulation?

In returning from the crematorium ground, I snapped a picture at the gate saying many quotations. That can be read as…

A picture from the crematorium gate showing the quotations (Pic- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

“Untouchability becomes erased in the crematorium as men visit here

When Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Kshudra burnt at the same place.” (जाते ही शमशान में मिट गयी सबछुआछूत 

जब एक ही जगह जले ब्राह्मण क्षत्रिय वैश्य और क्षुद्र)

“Everyone's conscience (ego) got burnt in crematorium

That is roamed by us in the market.” (जल गए सबके जमीर श्मशान में

जिन्हे लिए फिरते हैं हम बाजार में)

Sunday, June 19, 2022

In the Memory of my first deputy boss

To Mr Ravi Raveendran 

         His soul has left for its heavenly abode. He was my first deputy boss at ANI photo services. I am writing to a man even after knowing the fact that he is no more and no longer listening what I am pronouncing by words.

         It is my first experience at a work place looking at the people coming and going, and living in the fear of insecurity. That is different matter. 

         But, the need of the hour is that what I observed spending my time with him to decode in the public domain. 

          He was actually a soft man, but in the sake of the department, he pretended himself among the colleagues as a strict man. After spending meaningful years in the AFP, he preferred to be part of ANI. And, every conscious person who either worked with these reputable world-famous companies or is informed about those can easily extract that if a mind actually has accepted high standards, it is not so simple to adjust with another. But, he tried and successfully became part of it.

         Life has no meaning, and even it is unpredictable. No one knows what will happen next and what is already planned by nature in one’s life and career. 

         It is also right in some cases to jot down that coming events cast their shadows. But, we should prefer to talk lovingly, honestly and unmaliciously. Be calm and quite. Go with your attitude. Stand with truth and do good to others without any expectation. It should be motto of life. 

Happy Father’s Day

This picture was taken on my first younger sister’s marriage in Varanasi in December 2020. My father was performing rituals sitting with my mother (not in the frame) and I was observing the whole thing closely for the first time. 

That was such a moment in my life that I could not imagine how precious, marvellous and full of unseen eagerness it was, when I was spending full time with family members after a long time. Later, the marriage hall became a place of gossip, joking, mimicking and taunting others to pass time. It had been happening till early morning when I fell asleep.

My father is ex-serviceman (Army) and has served to the nation. The first thing I got in my childhood from him was discipline, and it is still my core of my life. Whatever you were doing it does not matter, it matters how serious and disciplined you are towards your work, that is the step to your future reputation, name and fame. Be loyal to your work, but I feel I was not serious initially for my civil services preparation so I still peddles for this.

Actually, I belong to rural India and I have sense of everything what the villagers face everyday. Brothers fight each other for money, property and other things in many cases. Sons are living with their family in the separate room, and parents are struggling for many things. It can be seen in the urban and sub-urban parts of India too. The short story ‘Buddhi Kaki’ written by Premchand is the perfect portrayal of it. But, I had been observing my mother living with my grandmother in the village and looking after her with me and my siblings. Then, my father was out of the home for his service. These all the happenings shaped my mind in different manner, and it happened because of my father. 

Loyalty and honesty are the things of my father that I learnt more. It had occupied a space in my conscious and sub conscious mind and as a by-product of it, it gives a birth to the emotionality in my heart, and I feel it has sometimes been going against me when I start taking care of persons so that they would secure a reputable position in their career.

What I learnt from my father

-Be straight forward because it hurts people for some time and later on they realise that that was right for me for that particular time.

-Either you stand this side or that side, there is no middle side. I stand always with my duty, work and occupation. Work comes first, other things come latter. 

-Always make a stance in a situation that fix your credibility. 

That’s all!

Friday, June 10, 2022

Film: The Theory of Everything

Book/Film Review - 7

         Hollywood elegant actor Eddie Redmayne starrer ‘The Theory of Everything’ tells the tale of an excellent astrophysics student Stephen Hawking who has been working on his research, learns that he suffers from motor neurone disease and has around two years to live. This movie is directed by James Marsh. 

          Motor neurone disease (MND) is an uncommon condition that affects the brain and nerves. It causes weakness that gets worse over time. There's no cure for MND, but there are treatments to help reduce the impact it has on a person's daily life. NHS writes about this disease on its website. 

         It is said that there is a woman behind every successful person, and it is seen becoming true in the movie. Felicity Jones (Jane Wilde) falls in love with Hawkins, and even after knowing he is suffering from MNS and there is no cure for the disease, ties knot with him gives birth to three babies. After writing ‘A brief history of time’ on black holes in the wheelchair, he says to her wife indicating to their children that Jane, see what we have created! 

          It was his courage and strong wish to live with this disease which even in the wheelchair, he could be able to publish his work and to contribute to the evolution of science. 

What can we learn from this movie? 

          In a short period of time, his happiness seems to be destroyed. Girlfriend would make her own way without him and the dream will hold no meaning. But, time proves itself again that the destiny always gives a path even after being closed all. His body can’t move an inch, but in this disease, brain works and he utilised his capacity of brain with the help of computer that can trace his thinking with the sense of his nerves. 

Learning- If you think that this is the end of your life, actually it’s not the actual end because every action happens with a cause. We need to find out that cause and should run with nature’s purpose. We’ll definitely achieve the goal that we wish. 


          If there is wish, there is a way. Hawking’s friends, professors and his wife unconditionally start supporting him in his never expected painful life. He allowed his life to marry with another guy. He was real hero who give preference to a woman’s joy whose priority was to look after him. 

Learning- We should always find happiness in other’s happiness. If we are able to do so, we automatically become the owner of real happiness and joyful life. 

Mood- Joyful😍☺️

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story

Book/Film Review- 6

        Disclaimer: This movie can be watched on Netflix. It is not an authorised biography of novel-series Harry Potter’s writer JK Rowling. What is filmed about her life in the movie is already in the public domain and nothing can be traced by spending almost 1 and half hour for this.


         As per this movie, JK Rowling is an English teacher who teaches kids. One day, she visits a party and meets a journalist. He falls in love with her. After spending some days, she ties knot with him and gives a birth to a baby. Over the incidents of domestic violence, both get separated and she moves to a different place and starts living on social security. During this period, she gets published and her book breaks many records in the book publishing industry. Rest part of the story, almost everyone knows.

What can we learn from her life?

          She was planning to write 7 book set of novel for many years. She made plot, storyline and many of things that was required to jot down the story in her frustrating and mundane life period. She got idea from her real life and modified it in an action of magic. For example, she defined cap as sorting hat, broomstick as magical broomstick, the keeper of things as creatures like wisest man who do not make more friends, and negative people as dementors. 

           Learning- We should never waste time in loneliness. We should focus on coping up the skills so that these would provide us benefits in our future. By doing so, we are not only able to spend time easily but also get rid of that problems, people and demotivation that cause more loneliness and frustration. Don’t worry it is said that the best idea originates in bad times.


          She has been rejected by many publishers to be published for her first novel on the statement of ‘Children book can’t make money’. She gets some sorts of disappointment, but never loses hope and keeps on writing because it was her passion. One day she is called by a publisher with an offer to publish her first novel. Her hope works and passion comes with success. 

          Learning- Never lose hope. If we are passionate about anything and do work to achieve our goal, nature starts plotting to fulfil our dream.


          In a conversation with a publisher, she says that she writes for her passion for writing, not for money. But, her book almost breaks all records and gives a way to her to gain money. She also never knew that her book would become her billionaire writer. But it happened even after spending a stressful and frustrating life on social security.

          Learning- It is said that the more frustrating life gives you more suitable place. It happened with JK Rowling and many others. Never think why these are happening with us only. It is nature’s way to test your ability and wish that where you are fitted for.


Mood- Hopeful and passionate 😘😘

Monday, June 6, 2022

What makes a man strong?

      What makes a man strong? It’s not an easy question. The answer may vary from person to person. But, in many cases, its answer is a disappointment!

       In this situation, you can feel alone, but actually, you are not alone. You are getting the stage of solitude in this bid.

       Daily run for the job has no destination, but people take part in this run and ultimately get nothing. One having purpose also performs the run, but the mode of performance shows a different attitude. This attitude portrays him/her as a subject of mockery among those who are performing this run without any motto. 

       The first disappointment for me is this run followed by the second that is the continuous failure in the civil services examination. This scenario makes me irritable and jittery at my workplace. I have been trying to be cool and to maintain the gravity of the spot in this completely opposite mindset people.

       The third disappointment is related to this low-profile job that I am currently doing; I deserve better, but I am denied many times what I wish to do by the concerning person.

Coffee cafe Day, Rajiv Chowk, 06/06/22 (PC- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

        It is life and there are many ups and down, peak and fall, and left and right, but no straight. If you are going straight without the enthusiasm for anything that means you are probably in the wrong direction. 

Coffee cafe Day, Rajiv Chowk, 06/06/22 (PC- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)


         To get relief, I use to spend time in a secluded place and it is ‘Coffee Cafe Day’ for me because I manage to be calm and quiet watching the couples and people enjoying their tables. And, these are the things that make me strong.

Mood- Sadness-turned-into-happiness, disappointment-in-motivation😘😐

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Buddha the rebellion compels me to take a shower at 2:30 AM

     It is said that if you are not getting focused due to several issues, write these down. And, it works. I jotted down many and I am stress-free now. At 2:30 AM, I took a shower because I was unable to concentrate on studying after doing 8 hours of work in the office. I know what I am doing at the time is not my job and it will not be, but when it will be achieved what I want is in the grave of the future.

Buddha occupies space on my study table (PC- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

       On my study table, a statue of meditated Buddha occupies the space and always motivates me to do something out of my comfort. Everyone knows his story that how left his home and kept on wandering about seven years and then attained knowledge at the age of 35.

      The Buddha's story is well versed but the interpretation of his life journey tells a different tale. At that time, in the post-Vedic period, society was divided into four groups called Varnas. Kshatriya ruled the society on the advice of Brahmans and followed the rituals made by them. But, Buddha as Mahavira broke their comfort, attained knowledge, and raised questions in his sermons against the Brahman's rituals. It was a revolution against the Brahmanic dogmas. 

      In that period, it demanded courage, wisdom, and confidence to challenge the establishment and to make a way beyond comfort. It is also relevant today. The context is different, but the problem is the same. Break the comfort, cross your limit and be a leader of the society. 

Mood- Sad and Gloomy.😢😞

Old Rajendra Nagar: The place of hope

        Old Rajendra Nagar, an epicentre of preparation for the Civil Services Exam in Delhi, every year witnesses the selection and non-selection of candidates for the IAS, IPS, IFS, and other services.

A view of Old Rajendra Nagar (PC- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

        But, the city guarantees no change in its existence. Its mood never varies but the success of candidates recommends its mood. One who is not selected, it becomes haunted and for one who is selected, the city gives blessings and happy memories.

Vajiram and Ravi Institute for IAS (PC- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

        After walking some steps from Karol Bagh metro station, anyone can easily see the Vajiram and Ravi coaching institute that claims every year that many of the top 10 students are from this institute. 

Library at Old Rajendra Nagar (PC- Old Rajendra Nagar)

       Running libraries have become an overrated business here. Aspirants pay their fee without hesitation and with the hope of being selected after spending hours over hours in the same chairs of their premises. Many did so and set a remarkable and marvelous example to the newcomers and other many make their presence in a different field.

A view of the roadside at Old Rajendra Nagar (PC- R.Suresh Bhardwaj)

       Street vendors also make benefit from selling lemon water, momo, and study materials. Tea is high fashioned beverage among the aspirants on the streets of the Karol Bagh and Old Rajendra Nagar. It is the place of gossip, strategy making, and tips regarding preparation. They also make their relationships here and plan for their future.

A tea stall at Old Rajendra Nagar (PC- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

       Overall it is a place of hope, inspiration, and motivation. No one knows who will cross his/her limits and would become part of the governance. 

Mood- Bouncy and hopeful😊😊

Friday, June 3, 2022

The torchbearer of domestic violence against men

Bollywood veteran Johnny Depp never imagine that he would go through these types of falls in his career even after experiencing multiple relationships with several women when his latest ex-wife accused him of domestic violence and portrayed herself as a domestic violence survivor in an op-ed for a newspaper.

Johnny Depp (Pic Source- Depp Instagram)

Following the allegations, he lost his ‘Pirates of Caribbean’ franchise and also got dropped from the Harry Potter prequel series. People came in support of his ex-wife Amber Heard and protested against him. He lost not only life-long earned honour and reputation but also his social and personal life. He is termed by many as the real pirate of Amber Heard happiness during their relationship.

But, he knew that the truth can’t be perished. He sued his ex-wife for writing the op-ed in a newspaper alleging indirectly him a domestic violent person, even after he previously lost his suit against a newspaper in the UK that had said him ‘wife beater’. His wife counter-sued too. It was 100 million dollars against his 50 million dollars. After the open trial in the Virginia court, USA, the jury found Amber Heard defamed Johnny Depp and ordered her to pay him 15 million dollars as compensatory and punitive damages.

The verdict would help Johnny Depp to get his reputation back. Outside the court, the chanting of Johnny, Johnny, and Johnny witnessed the order that the Jury gave his life back in the blink of an eye. Amber Heard what she accused him lost its existence. When the verdict was announced she was sitting in the neck-down posture with closed eyes, and the jury found that Heard’s statements about her marriage were ‘false’ and she acted with actual malice.

Many commentators emotionally parroting the same line that it would be a setback to the #metoo movement, but actually, it would not be because the real perpetrator is still behind the bars even after spending money, power, and what the things it requires to come out of the prisons and to get their reputations back than the Depp did. Power players Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey are two of them.

But, Johnny Depp has become the torchbearer of domestic violence against the men. The trial set a real-time example to the men to come out and fight against the conspiracy of some selective women so that they would not attempt to go upstairs in their careers over false allegations.

Mood- jolly, hopeful, and rejoiced😊😊☺️