
Saturday, April 15, 2023

My Diary: A Wednesday with my first boss

It was April 5, 2023. 

A day which will never be ignored for its specialty that started with euphoric mood and ended with unprecedented zeal. 

It was a day that broke its silence at 4 pm at ‘Starbucks’ when I managed to meet my first boss after abandoning my previous employer. 

Me with my first boss at my first office. (File)

         The meeting was unexpected but decent that ended with a lesson of professionalism. The lesson is ‘no one is trustworthy in the professional journey’ unlike the professor’s life lessons in the ‘tuesdays with Morrie’.

        Although the professor used to teach life lessons at his residence but I learnt a professional lesson by my first boss at a coffee cafe.

        Coffee had been served and I was about to enjoy its very first sip but my boss’ words stopped to feel its hotness. 

        “It was heard that you had made my mockery”, I was stunned listening to his words. 

       “Might be! Who is saying what holds no importance, the importance is that why anyone is conveying the other’s words even after one has left the working spot?”, I denounced his allegations by this logic and he probably got my point.

         It was his experience owing to working more than 40 years in the field of journalism that helped him to understand the motive behind how an employee does criticism of his/her colleagues, and he found its answer in the nature of employees who want to be pupil of boss’ eyes.

         This short conversation suggested me that I should not share anything to anyone professionally. It is said, “being skillful and familiar with work is not guarantee of being employed. For employment, a third factor also works that how mature professionally you are!”

        For many, I am not mature professionally because I have been straight forward and don’t care what consequences I will face with my attitude. Supporting nature, emotionality, over laughing and being casual with anyone have either been fire back on me or disadvantageous to me. 

        These are not justifiable because professional maturity falls in a category that includes "telling lies, not being firm of words, denial nature of your statement, being diplomatic and habit of practicing office politics.” In other words, you have been doing all mischievous activities but no one knows that is known as professional maturity.

          After keeping aside these worthy shit, I would like to be motivated from my first boss in case of public relations that how he has successfully applied and survived in the witch-hunting attitude of professionals. 

          At 80, he is still working as head of department at a well-known agency after his retirement from PTI as editor. Even after holding this badge of honour, he came downstairs to meet me outside the company on my one call despite being known of the fact the I had left the department apparently not on a good note. In a short meeting, we talked over many issues that might be beneficial to me. Apologetically, I can’t discuss here all but the above is all I perceived on a Wednesday with my first boss. 

        Concluding the conversation with him, I also managed to meet with a female colleague of the department where I once worked. It was a feel-good moment listening to her how she is growing over the time. It was seeming that her way of talking had changed and she is making her way to be survived there. Professionally she looked sound as another colleague pointed it out to me. 

         He was senior to me when I joined the department and still he is. Some of his unforgettable contribution to my personal growth will never be marginalised. I can only say as a short introduction of him that he is a man who had been lying in the bed silently listening to taunts made by many for more than six months after an accident but never lost his hope and desire to live. 

When I remember his reclining state in bed, I start shuddering for a moment, even after that he stood up again on his legs and has begun finding his dream which is drowned in the infinite darkness. 

Mood:  ❤️  😌