
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Christopher Nolan: The Man of High Ideas

     Films- Inception, The Prestige, Batman trilogy, Interstellar, Insomnia, Dunkirk, and upcoming Tenet- are not unknown to many. One who is interested in these extraordinary categories of movies is familiar to filmmaker Christopher Nolan. 
Christopher Nolan
      He is known for making distinctive science fiction movies in Hollywood mainstream. His film emancipates casts equally and sets a conclusion in such a way that movie lovers are not able to recognize who gets advantages in the film. In The Prestige, audiences are confused on many occasions whether Christian Bale as Alfred Borden is ethically right or Hugh Jackman as Robert Angier is morally wrong. 

Interstellar: Suppositions for life beyond the earth
      The New York Times reviews Interstellar as ‘Off to the Stars, With Grief, Dread and Regret.’ Time magazine writes- Interstellar, where no movie has gone before. The premise of Interstellar is simple enough. Earth is dying from an unnamed blight, and it’s the job of a small band of astronauts and scientists to look for a new world to colonize before it’s too late. But Interstellar has bigger ambitions–ambitions that go hard at the physics and those cosmic questions.
A scene from Interstellar

     The film takes in two types of plan for three different planets, and it moves around this plot. Astronauts and scientists travel to and consider locating a life-friendly environment beyond the earth. Many types of physics principles like the black hole theory, gravitational force, fifth dimension, time travelling, etc. are applied to construct the story for the science lover. 

     Nolan’s greatness lies in making such films that create a narrative in the science society. Many principles are not to be proven, but Nolan filmed on the silver screen for the betterment and the improvement of science and society.

Inception: Utilizing dreams  

     The film starts with a stealing scene where Leonardo Dicaprio as a professional thief who steals information by permeating the subconscious of his targets. The film grows, and suspense follows.
A scene from Inception

     We always think, read and write about one layer of the dream, but Nolan goes beyond this orthodox concept, and crafts three different deeper stages of dreams. Hallucination for planting an idea in the subconscious of the target is leading conception that has never seen before. It is the beauty of Nolan. We can bet for Nolan that only a few directors and scriptwriters think in this way.

     Roger Ebert says that Nolan spent ten years writing his screenplay for Inception. That must have involved exceptional concentration, like playing blindfold chess while walking a tight-wire. Someone also believes in ‘Inception is one of those movies that most viewers have to watch more than once to understand it-even on a base level. 

The Prestige: The dual of ethically right and ethically wrong

    It is a psychological film that moves around the two magicians who are obsessed with creating the best stage illusion. In this way, both divulge the secret of each other's illusion and fall in hate to exhibit his smartness on the stage.
A scene from the prestige

    In one scene of the film, Nolan points out the plot that every magic trick consists of three acts: the Pledge, in which a seemingly real situation is set up, the Turn, in which the initial reality is challenged, and the Prestige, where all is set right again.

     The whole film is about Christian Bale as Alfred Borden who has a daughter (The Pledge); his daughter loses her father (The turn), and her father comes back (The prestige) as a double of Alfred Borden, but it was a mystery that Alfred was twins. Denying this fact, Hugh Jackman as Robert Angier visits Tesla to find out the secret of the transported man and ultimately finds, but in the feeling of revenge to Borden, he lost everything. 

Batman trilogy: a unique film which gives useful messages 

     It is one of my favourites. It is a series of three films, and each one is shooted in the fictitious city of Gotham where Bruce Wayne as batman fights against mafia who has captured the city. There are many concepts, many messages and much guidance for the society and its institutions. 
A scene from batman trilogy

     In the first film, Wayne says that it is not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me. The struggling people can take it as a message. Similarly, Henri Ducard, trainer of batman, states that the training is nothing! The will is everything! The will to act and your anger gives you great power. But if you let it, it will destroy you. Alfred pronounces that Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up.

     Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight utters the most famous lines- The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming.

     And, who can forget the joker and his famed testimony- if you are good at something, never do it for free.’ Batman in The Dark Knight asserts that sometimes the truth isn’t good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.

     In the final movie of this series The Dark Knight Rises, batman declared that a hero can be anyone. Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a little boy’s shoulders to let him know that the world hadn’t ended.

The filmmaking style of Nolan

     Christopher Nolan once said that now you are looking for the secret, but you will not find it because you are not looking. You do not want to know. You want to be fooled.
A scene from Inception

     Blog Cinema@UNB writes inception may have the most controversial ending to any Christopher Nolan movie because, theoretically, it does not end. The top seems as though it is about to fall, but it is still spinning when the screen goes black, and the movie ends. Nolan likes this mystery-ending effect because it lures an audience in; people like the element of mystery because it allows them to figure things out for themselves. It allows them to be fooled.

     Nolan is assumed as a postmodernist. In his films, visual style focuses on urban settings, men in western-style suits and modern architecture. He uses a perfect combination of light, music, western social style and the method of geometry. Nolan sometimes uses editing as a way to represent the characters psychological states, merging their subjectivity with that of the audience.

And, finally: You can not forget About forgetting.

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