
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Don’t Acquaint with Dementors

     A pack is a pack. No one is ahead of the pack. One of the pack may work as a dementor works. (Pack- group)
Image created by R. Suresh Bhardwaj
     The word ‘dementor’ got popularity in the writing of JK Rowling, who is well-known for Harry Potter fantasy. 

     As per the Harry Potter book series- dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They infect the darkest, filthiest places; they glory in decay and despair; they drain peace, hope and happiness out of the air around them. 

     People in the pack are not able to see these dementors in a real-time, but by the minimal effort, they can feel the presence of dementors.

     The pack contains a dog’s age and the careless people in the pack face a dog’s life. Initially, people realise the pack is everything, but it’s not. But, the pack can make people perfect or imperfect. (Dog’s age- In a very long time. Dog’s life- An unhappy existence)

     To interact with dementors is an unwanted deed that can thieve people’s peace, hope and happiness by pinching cheerful mood and confident will.

Recognizing dementors

     On first day meeting and in a good weather, everyone maintains talking in a civilised manner, but over the time the colour of many begin darkening, and they start to displease the people. Initially people ignore and take it as constructive criticism, but the intension of the dementors is destructive because they promote only sadness, demotivation and things that pull the legs.

     People who go against your every idea, embarrass, make mockery and disparage when you learn the modality of the idea. They create dark circumference in which you may feel you are doing wrong. They act as dementor act.

     People who are living in a comfort zone. A zone of a settled method of working that requires little effort and yields only barely acceptable results (Oxford Dictionary). People living in this zone prepare themselves as a superior, talented, genius, reputable, speaker and etcetera but these good adjectives exist only in their mind. There is no contact with real life.

In conclusion
     Many dementors are in society. They can be recognised easily. The above is frequent. One who doesn’t talk creative, innovative and how to achieve one’s goal falls in this category.

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