
Saturday, January 9, 2021

Book Review- 4: Who wants democracy?- Democracy as weapon of the weak

Book/Film Review- 4

Javeed Alam

Who Wants Democracy

Orient Blackswan, Rs- 325/-

      Javeed Alam, an eminent professor, writes this book ‘Who Wants Democracy’ in 2004 under the series—Tracts for the Times—of publisher Orient Blackswan to examine the rapid changes, in the internal structure of Indian democracy.

     Tracts for the times attempts to provide a meaningful information, critical perspective, and theoretical reflections on various themes written by eminent social scientists, journalists, lawyers and social activists, that is edited by S. Gopal, Romila Thapar and Neeladri Bhattacharya.

Freedom is a covenant between the elite and the masses

    The book starts with the definition of modernity and later he theorizes the democratising modernity. In his opinion, the inauguration of democracy in India was the result of a covenant between the elite, the middle class and the intelligentsia, on the one side and the ordinary people in their great diversity, with all their problems, on the other.   

    He argues that initially, the ordinary people had great power of mobilisation against exploitation, but in a short period, they went backward from the Pabna and Deccan revolts to Fakir-Sanyasi insurrections.

    This notion is extremely acclaimed in the centre-left intelligentsia and the liberal circle but denied by the people who are not part of this club and appreciate the Fakir-Sanyasi rebels as a revival of cultural nationalism.

Mandal Reward: Benefiting Democracy

   The implementation of Mandal commission’s recommendation impacted the internal function and the structure of Indian Democracy. Alam categorized these in several points—‘leaders who occupy positions in democratic institutions are lack in principles and prone to shift loyalty’ and ‘a sharp increase in social disharmony’ and therefore caste conflicts became the bane of politics with figures like Laloo Yadav, Mulayam Singh and Mayawati, are two of them.

    He portrayed the ‘Public Confidence’ as a source of democracy and argues that Indian governments have solved none of the problems- work, food, shelter, health etc, even after the public have not lost confidence ever and always believe in democratic processes and vote with enjoy to maintain the sustainability of Indian Democracy because democracy is a weapon of the weak.

Making of Indian nation and role of civil society

    Explaining the making of the Indian nation, Alam observes that the dominant secular Nehruvian model is now threatened by the communal politics and regional assertion. The monolithic conception of nation derived either from the secular or from the Hindutva has been rejected by the linguistic cultural regions and multiple ways being Indian is taking shape over a period of time.

   The elites who are educated and capable of exercising their rights constitute the core members of the civil society and set the rule for the functioning of democracy in India without the support of a very large part of the civil society.

   Despite of some weaknesses, the book is readable for understanding a different point of view on Indian Democracy. The rise of new middle class, role of civil society, the elite-masses relationship and a deep analysis of Hindutva are the themes of the book that Javeed Alam describes.


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