
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

The February Lesson

           The month ‘February 2021’ marked a little stability in my life, but in broad, it was an illusion. The 2-3 months of psychological pressure resulted in an overwhelmed ending of the trilemma: the trilemma in making decision for my primary goal, getting rid of the unfamiliar-mind and following up the one-way set-up.

      The second week began in thought of taking a decision for the stuffs, after failure over failure, which had never been supposed. But, I think, these stuffs are the need of the hour to survive in the different societal structures. These stuffs have been blamed by many in the name of time, God, bad fortunes and unwanted destiny, but over the time these will be appreciated as I believe.

       To engage with the people is a continuous process and society helps in regard. Initially, we are not able to distinguish the proper and inappropriate mind. In early age, one who is good for us, later, one becomes the worst. Many have encountered it for the sake of good.

       As I conclude the month that with the time many who are connected for the benefits, automatically get off one’s niche. Secondly, if you raise sound for your rights, it is heard; and, thirdly, I realised the best line of the novel 'A Gentleman in Moscow' that if 'a man does not master his circumstances then he bound to be mastered by them' will not be forgotten. It was a social realisation that I got by the means of a formation of groups that will motivate me to be aware of making the new one.

       In the fourth week as the month ended with my attendance in IIMCAA's Connection 2021. It was my first participation after the completion of the course from the IIMC. It was full of fun, curiosity, excitement and most importantly, a secret and sacred way of getting motivation by seniors, who have secured a reputable position in their career.

      Many of them have started their first jobs with low stipend, but having got practical insight in the industry, they earn today such an amount that is enough to live. It indicates that when you should start your career and how much you should get for your work never matter; the thing matters that you have started to apply your institution-got knowledge according to your training and wish. Future is uncertain and one, who has already got a famed name, even does not know one will reach that fame. Overall, the Connection-2021 was a motivation for me and it will be for all!

These are all about the February-2021.

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