
Sunday, December 25, 2022

My Diary: 2 years behind the 30th Spring of Life

          It’s 1 o’ clock night on December 26, 2022 in Delhi when I am writing this. Christmas is just over. People have celebrated the day wearing Santa caps. Metro, park, mall and some places of importance were neck-packed with red-headed children, young men and women. The latest years witness the Christmas with the new year as a symbol of social harmony commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ with the decorated Churches.  

         The day has become past just before 1 hour. But, in present, Delhi is witnessing chilling winter. I am in bed looking back the series of events. Every year I think that how dumb I was in previous year. Even this year, I was worn caps of stupidity by the people surrounding me. I love cap because it gives a recognition, and Santa cap gives a cheerful mood. 

**Video Grab**Caressing of puppies on a chilling winter day in Delhi on Dec. 25, 2022. (Pic- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

          This December of 2022 has been more challenging to me. I learnt the importance of money. You can imagine how idiot I am after saying it. Series of events kept me stand up in the middle of the road where I can turn left, right, up and down. At point, I have no hesitation to say that if I will take rebirth as human, my dad should always be same!

          It’s 1:15 in the same night. I have switched on my room heater thinking if there are some bad people, obviously, there should be good ones too. Because, as per science, without balance in any structure, it can’t be sustained. After getting relieved from a frustrating place, where I have gone, there are many who have strived to induct me. I can’t forget their initial support and indirect sympathy when everything was against me. 

          It’s 1:30 and I just ordered a book- ‘Tuesdays with Morrie’, memoir by American author Mitch Albom, cogitating what is happening? Don’t worry because each and everything happens with a cause. It may go against in present, but it will always benefit you!

Mood- cheerful ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜‰ðŸ˜‰

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