
Monday, December 5, 2022

My Diary: In her eyes

        She was almost a chatterbox and was not so fair. Her hair was silky and the glow of her face was fondlesome. Her face without scars was alluring him, and a mole at right above her upper lip enhanced her beauty that was more visible during her smile.

A view of a restaurant. (Pic- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

        Her smile gave an intimating shining of her eyes: the inward gleam of beauty! There was no comparison. Her eyes were everything for him. Eyebrow lining was perfect and her eye lining marked its incredibility. 

         Sometimes he chuckled thinking her eyes as Chamaleon, but just after her eyes bewitched him to stop chuckling and spread the strings of hallucination to fantasize in the uncertain deep of her blackish eyes.

         Actually, she owed all gestures and elements of charmer that were manifested in her eyes with the triangular shape of her face. Her face revealed all her secrecy, and sometimes it was ignorable. But, the partially covered eyes with the silky hair never told lies to him of her loneliness. 

         Only she could encounter the reasons behind, but that was the perfect time to him thinking about the sorrow, pain and misery faced by one even after holding all of external beauty. 

        And, he found himself pondering to the point of inner beauty that holds happiness, joy, delight and exultation.

        He had been realising it since he met her in a College NGO function. That function became only a function for him. His participation had no meaning after catching the first glimpse of her eyes that was limited to 2-3 seconds. 

        An hour long ceremony was all about her eyes for him that concluded in almost 5 seconds. But, it was minimal for both and was a short step before the dawn. Days are rolling almost doing the same at a same meeting point.

        She was thinking always about a day that will strike the moment once and we both will need to hold for the long. But, it was a question that time when it will be experienced. 

        He had no option except looking into her eyes what he wanted till holding each one's hands.

        It had been sensed that her eyes were comparatively deeper than her emotion when he ignored its Chamaleon-ness. 

        He never went down from the eyes because her face was veiled with a mask as part of precaution against coronavirus. 

       He got himself confused when she slid her mask once and he perceptualised that her face was really rectangular not triangular. 

      What he had assumed about her face became suddenly wrong, but it impacted nothing his fondness towards her eyes.

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