
Saturday, December 17, 2022

My Diary- The Wall: New hope for the abandoned animal

A long time ago in a kingdom far, far away…

     It was a period of dark for a wolf who recently joined the wall, the darkest in the kingdom and a habitat of the abandoned animals! 

        The wall was situated in the north, which carried no rules, regulations and protocols.

Pic source-

         It was built just a year ago when an animal uninterestingly joined the wall under an old lion whose teeth and nails were no longer sharper. Then the old lion was making effort with the abandoned animals to brighten the wall in the shining kingdom. But, these animals were frustrated and depressed by the untouchable behaviour of the small council of the kingdom. 

         The small council never paid attention to the grievances of the wall. Once an animal raised his hands for the wall’s concern but he was forced to down his hands accusing of ‘the wall was not revenue generator.’ It enhanced the level of animals’ frustration. Animals carried no fault because they followed all rules and regulations of the kingdom.

         In response, the small council always harassed the animals keeping the queen of kingdom in dark. The queen probably did not know what was being done by these lords of small things. These lords were hollowing out the kingdom like worms as the small council did for the Robert Baratheon in the Game of Thrones, and the queen of this current kingdom was ignorant about it.

         The animal who was forced to down his hands was not a tiny animal on the wall. He was wolf, but was actually dire wolf who joined the wall as warrior but the old lion forced him to work as steward. Slowly-slowly he reached to his position of the Lord Commander of the wall. But, his interest did not lie there and he wanted to go beyond the wall. He uninterestingly reigned the wall and the wall celebrated its fanfare during his tenure, and animals enjoyed immunity.

        The wall’s strength increased with the increasing number of rats and mice. Some rats and mice came with great favour of the small council and other some with great potential. An elephant also joined the wall and its number grew up to two with an old and injured elephant. Both were sitting together and they were the prime defender of the wall. They were virtuous and great hearted. They never wanted to harm other animals to get benefited on the wall. The wolf was familiar to elephants because a good vibe was coming from them. 

        A ‘kid mouse’ was also part of the wall’s army. She was childish. She needed a care and a look-after. When the wolf asked her with a little scold to do work of the wall, she started crying and the wolf did not feel good. Because animals were professional army of the wall and they defended it as per their potential. The wolf can’t explain her attitude and behaviour except saying she held a nuance of wall’s work and was laborious. 

        Before coming of that kid mouse, an another ‘mouse of foreign origin’, also joined the wall. She knew nothing how to work on the wall and also held no way of professional talking. She was potentially incapable in every aspect with comparison to other animals. The wolf trained her and kept her on the front seat, and she took it for granted. The wolf saved her at every moment when she needed, ignored her mistakes and made her reputation on the wall in the eyes of old lion. Other animals knew that the wolf favoured her even after she did not deserve for it. 

         The wolf made her a cat from a ‘mouse of foreign origin’. She pretended herself a real cat and started clawing. She actually portrayed herself as ‘Bhashmasur’ of Hindu mythology and the wolf became Lord ‘Shiva’ for her. The wolf sensed her activity and bad intention, but he only observed her malicious movement, and even after that he always saved her along with rats, mice and elephants from the attacks of wildings (dogs). 

        Dogs were uncivilised and were also not disciplined. They attacked the wall for many times and the defenders of the wall under their Lord Commander always defended it. Dogs were obedient to their master and were always in the alert mode to attack the wall but their attacks never succeeded after one or two initial hunting of mice.

         There were a convocation of eagles who resourced the wall. They flied high and provided feed to the defenders of the wall. They were familiar to both the wall’s defenders and the wildings. So, automatically they held sign of danger. And, the wolf had sense of it. He established his leg with the wildings, eagles and the old lion. 

         Eagles were far-sighted and changed their side according to situation. Many times, they made plans with wildings to hunt the wolf because he was the strongest animal on the wall. But, the wolf was sharp-minded and smelled the danger. His establishment of leg with the old lion worked and he managed the plot easily. 

         Days rolled. The time circle turned. Conflict grew up. Wildings became aggressive. And, the wolf neglected it and ignored the wildings activity. 

        The wolf was also familiar to the eagles. Eagles told a story to many. One day an eagle narrated the story to the wolf.

“There was an another wolf. He joined the wall when it was just built. Then the old lion’s nails and teeth were still sharper. In very short time, he became right hand of the old lion. He worked hard. He completed all work in time. Even after that he was exploited by the small council. The old lion did not favoured him. He wished to work at an another castle but the old lion objected. Now, he decided to desert the wall. But, there was an unconditional oath that was: once an animal joined the wall could not desert the wall. He was symbolically beheaded by the old lion as Ned Stark was beheaded due to his loyalty to the kingdom in the Game of Thrones.”

        The current wolf stopped the eagle and said, “He was only a wolf but I was dire wolf. Dire wolf was rarely found south of the wall. I knew him and currently he was serving punishment at an another castle of the wall. It had become a curse for him to work under the old lion.” The conversation in that time went long and the dire wolf again ignored.

          Now the dire wolf decided to transmit the grievances of the wall to the queen. The coward animals on the wall managed to keep their mouths mum. In his attempt, he tensed with many lords of the small council. He raised questions at many points. The small council became alert. The wolf was targeted but he was stubborn. He knew that these lords did their immoral work keeping the queen of the kingdom in dark. 

         The queen must have understood that the large kingdoms dashed to ground due to the incapable small councils and sneaky lords of small things. 

         The wolf left the wall because he can’t be tamed. He was a member of free folk. He went beyond the wall to excavate his journey. The dire wolf was rarely found south of the wall, it was fact. If he mistakenly joined the wall, it could not be imagined that he was one of those animals!

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