
Monday, January 30, 2023

Gandhi Godse - Ek Yuddh: Conversation between assassinated and assassinator

Book/film review- 15

       Many books have been written telling the story of Gandhi’s assassination. And, many movies have also been filmed withstanding the onset of the Gandhi’s murder but there are less films that portray the exact ideological figurines of Godse and Gandhi as Rajkumar Santoshi’s ‘Gandhi Godse - Ek Yuddh’ does.

The cinema hall is empty during the screening of film Gandhi Godse : Ek Yuddh. (Pic by R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

       Film shows the Godse character walking parallel to Gandhi in the ideological battleground. With the division of India, thousands of Hindus and Sikhs flee from Pakistan to India without bread, clothes and houses, and seeing them in pain and grief, Godse wishes to do something as Hindu-nationalist. He starts presuming the reasons behind their pain is Gandhi’s attitudes and activities. 

       He always respects Gandhi for leading Indians against the Britishers for freedom. But, when riots erupt and Hindus and Muslims are being killed in the shadow of division, Gandhi goes on fast until death for the unity of them. Government of India agrees with Gandhi’s terms, and accelerates its efforts to pacify the condition in the riot-affected area. Gandhi breaks his fast. Pacifying efforts work. But, message goes wrongly to the people supporting different ideology on giving Rs. 55 crore to Pakistan.

       Godse is one of them. He takes Gandhi’s efforts of pacifying in the riot-affected area as Muslim appeasement. He presumes police’s use of baton to maintain law and order as the baton of Gandhi that beats Hindu. In response, he decides to kill Gandhi. He shoots three bullets in his chest. Originally, he was assassinated but in the film Gandhi survives to bullet-injury and goes to jail in which Godse is imprisoned where he makes conversation with Godse about the contemporary questions and as a justification of his act. 

       When both Gandhi and Godse are released on the same day, their supporters cheer outside the jail. They raise slogans in aggression but when both walk hand-in-hand their aggression fade off. It is totally a contrast of the current discourse that Gandhi and Godse can’t go hand-in-hand. The film strives to maintain ideological unity after the death of 74 years that is indigestible for many. That is the reason why ‘The Guardian’ reviews it as ‘dangerously bland alternate history.’ 

       Whereas ‘The Hindu’ takes the film as a timely dialogue on the idea of India. Indian Express understands the film saying this revisionist take on Mahatma Gandhi, Nathuram Godse is both naΓ―ve and insidious. 

        According to media reports, filmmaker Rajkumar Santoshi asserted about his film that both Gandhi and Godse were fearless people. Musician A R Rahman also commented on the controversy arisen due to the film that People have stopped trusting filmmakers because filmmakers are taking sides. 

       But, the context is far different than we understand. Gandhi believes in a process of thought that promotes truth and non-violence whereas Godse agrees with the violence when it is needed. Gandhi trusts in his philosophy because his means are value-laden, so the end will automatically be in his favour. But, Godse’s thought seems that it erupts spontaneously. Although he supports violence, but on the question over the violence against Britishers, he walks away in the film, which shows that his means have no clear direction in terms of Gandhian approach.

(Pic by R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

        After surviving to bullet-injury, Gandhi goes to Bihar for implementing the idea of Gram Swaraj. Gram Swaraj is a complete republic, independent of its neighbours for its own vital wants. In contemporary politics, this idea has been adopting time to time and Arvind Kejriwal’s idea of Mohalla Clinics is an frequent example. This Gandhian idea is totally different to ideas that believe in “trickle-down” effect (from up to down). It attempts to develop the lower that will benefit the upper. 

        Actor Deepak Antani as Mahatma Gandhi and Chinmay Mandlekar as Nathuram Godse acted well. AR Rahman’s composition of song ‘Vaishnav Jan To’ keeps the film on peak. Overall Rajkumar Santoshi did a marvellous and courageous cinematographic work to answer the Gandhi-Godse metaphors. 

Star : 4 (****) out of 5.

Friday, January 27, 2023

My Diary: Rejections shape life like potters do for pots

         Rejection opens a door of hand-on insight that holds several ways of learning. It finds a path to clash with destiny with a facing-up the wrath of unfortunate. It is a pre-stage going forward with embracing ideas of acceptance. 

Photo by R. Suresh Bhardwaj

Let’s go through the rejections

  1. Rejection by friends - Man is, by nature, a social animal and wants to be socialised. For this, he makes group to maintain his personality, reputation and image. The group shapes itself as a bubble of comfort: comfort zone. It is a hurdle in growth that needs to be broken up so that men would scatter themselves like the seeds of flowers to blossom the world. A man feels that he sacrifices his time and money for friendship but he gets apparently nothing except exhaustion and mental harassment in many cases. At the point, rejection like alienation is necessary that makes a way to a man to spread his wings.
  2. Rejection by Girlfriends - It is an important phase of life to be mature. It ought to be experienced without any question mark. It helps to improve emotional intelligence. Nowadays an appropriate emotional quotient is crucial factor to be succeed in any field. Emotion is invisible. It has no appearance, so it can’t be trained by outer training. It can be trained by going through emotional experiences. Rejection by girlfriends, love birds and crushes might be a way. Love triangles, relationships and patching up are the best means to manage emotionality. 
  3. Rejection by competitive exams -Competitive exam teaches us to perform in pressure. It teaches to make a plan for a year and to execute it at a particular day. But, that particular day lessons a man to be mature more when we are not shortlisted. After rejection, our efforts, courage, labour and sacrifice have no meaning. We need to plan again and execute it with different attitude. And, we again fail. By doing these, we unwillingly practice a habit of plan after plan till the success. These all can be utilised for other purposes too.

        There are so many rejections. Rejection in interviews, rejection by publishers, rejection by companies and rejection by life are some frequent examples. I have chosen only three that work as pressure and heat. As heavy pressure and intense heat metamorphose coal into a diamond, rejections make a man perfect.😘 Let love the rejections!

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

My Diary: 12 resolutions for 2023’s 12 months

         2022 has become a chapter in History. It is said History repeats itself. But, how a year can repeat itself! Its events, actions and happenings might hit the world again, that is called the repetition of the year. And when it repeats itself, humankind is aware to solve its grievances and to tackle unwanted happenings. 

Victory sign. Photo by R. Suresh Bhardwaj

         January is close to end. To be stable, to be stress-free and to get away of any mess-up, two months with a month of previous year have been passed. I have only eleven months in new year 2023 to perform all the things what I wish to complete. Let take journey of my 12 resolutions for 12 months of the year.

Resolution- 1 : Limit the frequency of tea

         I have many bad habits and taking tea is one of them which became a part of life from my graduation days. This habit grew up gradually with a friend, who is currently teaching in Jamshedpur University, talking about a girl for hours at tea shops. That was a phase of romanticism in a city which provided me a way to explore the world with a clear and vast vision.

         Now a day, it has become weakness not to get rid of taking cup of tea after cup. Now, its need of the hour to limit its frequency by two, one in the morning and another in the evening. Green tea in the morning and an another cup of tea/coffee in the evening. 

Resolution- 2 : No care to Other's talk

         Ignoring the people is the best way to be happy. What people say it does not matter, it matters what you are. Remember the song ‘Kuch to Log Kahenge, Logon ka Kaam hai Kahna’, and go the way what you want. Remember all success stories of the time that are enough to teach you how the perception of people has been shifting as per our pre-and-post success journey. 

Resolution- 3 : Invest your spare time in reading (At least an hour)

         There is no substitute of reading which gives you all the thing what you want. It never hurts. It never gives you pain. It never forces you to feel grief. It always gives you ideas. It provides you perspectives that help to get deeper meaning of the context. It always adds value to your life journey. 

Resolution - 4 : Always learn new skills and ideas 

         At present, only one thing can happen: Either you are doing your wished/favourite work or you are doing something other in hope of your wished one. If you are in first category, you have no issue to be disappointed in your life but if you fall in the second category, you need to be prepared for the first one. And, you must learn new skills and its execution to get familiar with your work what you want. 

         With the dawning of the new year, I have decided to learn ‘English Typing’, ‘MS Word’, ‘Photography’, ‘Photoshop’, ‘Nuances of Writing and Editing’, and most importantly Spoken English proficiently. Personality development with a good dressing sense is one of them. Let me see what would be the rate of performance after assessment in the end of the year. And, I think it must be above distinction.

Resolution - 5 : Read at least 6 hours a day

         It might be one of the toughest resolution of the year due to time-packed schedule of the day including 7-8 hours of office and 6 hours of sleep. Achieving this would be a milestone for me and also a watershed moment in my life!

Resolution - 6 : Get rid of digital world at least for 48 hours (2 days) in a month 

         I am surrounded by mobile phone, laptop, desktop and internet. I have almost been trapped in the digital world by its uses and need, also passing time on social media and habit of online reading.

        Keeping all means of digital connectivity away for at least 48 hours in a month will help to connect me passionately with more people. Exchange of thought and gossips with people will give real-time experience to understand human behaviour and attitude as per their manner. 

Resolution - 7 : Exercise daily 

          Health is wealth. It is said that a good mind performs any work speedily, efficiently and perfectly. Exercising at least half an hour everyday is my next resolution of the year. 

Resolution - 8 : Eat healthy food

          A healthy diet nourishes body, mind and wisdom. It helps in musle-building and gives a perfect appearance that makes a person attractive and energetic. I have prepared a diet chart to follow for all time and it falls in the list of 2023 resolutions. 

Resolution - 9 : Early to bed and early to rise 

        Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 

          I have been listening to this lyrics from my childhood but I never gets its applicability. For its proper implication, I have purchased an online ‘Time Management Course’ by Ankur Warikoo at a minimal cost and no doubt it is helping me to manage my time. 

Resolution - 10 : Sleep at least for 6 hours

        A habit of sleeping more than 6 hours has been developed in my latest life style. That is too bad. I have decided to manage my sleep hour.

Resolution - 11 : Look forward there should be no scope in past 

          It is said that first experience should be good which shapes your behaviour and attitude in a particular situation. But, my first experience at a previous employer was so worst that I can’t explain it in words. If I think positively, it was good to me because the time always proves itself with the well-versed line ‘Every action has a purpose.’ And, that period gives me an opportunity to learn patience and to deal persons who were totally out of context. In one sentence, I can say, the atmosphere of the work place had made me mentally ill. 

Resolution - 12 : what you do at present decides what you would be: Speak, Write and Go consciously 

         It is the last but not least resolution of the year. It is hundred billion dollar step taken by me that should be edited before being done. Speak softly, write wisely and step confidently. What you think and desire must be executed in a filtered way. After many year your action will decide your future. 

         Be a good man in the nature’s eye. Ignore all who deviates you from your journey. And, stick with your plan that should be one and only goal of your every activity. 

Mood- Optimistic πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Friday, January 20, 2023

Zindagi Gulzar Hai: Story of Two Opposite Lives

Book/film review- 14

        Fawad Khan as Zaroon Junaid and Sanam Saeed as Kashaf Murtaza starrer Pakistani Serial ‘Zindagi Gulzar Hai’ revolves around the lives of Kashaf and Zaroon. Kashaf, a young woman, raised with her two sisters by a single school teacher mother, faces a lot of class and gender bias while growing up. Her father marries again for a son and starts living with her second wife. With poor financial condition, Kashaf’s mother encourages her and her sisters to be raised with education. 

*Video Grab from HumTV YouTube* Kashaf Murtaza during a scene in the series ‘Zindagi Gulzar Hai’.

         Kashaf grows up with books. Every evening, she writes her all stuff and thinking in a diary. It is her routine. After going through the frustrating moment of daily life, she is shortlisted for MBA at a premiere college that is famous for the rich’s students. In college, she meets Zaroon (Fawad Khan) and her life starts turning around.


          Having sensed tussling moments with Zaroon at college, after college, she passed civil services exam and goes for training where she again meets with him. She has no sign of love to Zaroon. She dislikes him. After continuous denial, he falls in love with her. He tries to convey his feelings but she is unattempted. After many efforts, both Zaroon and Kashaf tie the knot. 

*Video Grab from HumTV YouTube* Kashaf and Zaroon after clearing civil services exam during a scene in the series ‘Zindagi Gulzar Hai’.

         Once she hates him, but after marriage, he is need of her. She wants to live every moment with him. The series weaves the plot that one who hates one, possibly one is loved hard. 

         The story is told in a unique way where both characters write a diary what they think about society, families and their career prospect, and also filmed with the harsh reality of day-to-day life. 

           On one side, Kashaf and her family live in disadvantageous condition, and struggle for everything, but on the other hand, Zaroon lives in a feel-good familial set up with good financial background. In adversity, she passes the civil services exam and, in prosperity, he also passes the exam. She faces daily life problems but enjoys a good family collaboration, but even living in good financial condition, he faces loneliness in his family. He enjoys apparently less mother love because she is busy with her work. 

          The story line is written logically and it strives to prove that one who faces difficulty also enjoys the moment of fortunate, and one who does not enjoy this moment, might face the phase of unfortunate. This is beauty of story which shows the caliber and strength of a skilled writer. 

         All characters have done their parts good that make the series eye-catching except some long and lengthy monologue. 

         It’s a family drama featuring the struggle-to-success story of two lives with touching post-success tussling nuances of Kashaf and Zaroon.

Star- 3 star out of 5.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Physics Wallah: Journey of Alakh Pandey

Book/film review- 13

        Physics Wallah: It is an inspiration! It is an emotion! It is a result of perseverance and persistence! And, it explains the meaning of ‘Everything has a purpose’!

       The web series starts with Alakh Pandey, co-founder of Physics Wallah, sitting at a tea shop ‘Chai Wala’. He is in conversation with his sister, who is lone earner of his family. He has left his engineering college due to weak financial condition and decides to teach for livelihood.

A scene from the web series shows Alakh Pandey talking to his sister after quitting the engineering college at a tea shop ‘Chai Wala’.

        He starts his journey of teaching with a principle of ’teaching should always be cheaper for everyone’ that never gets faded off. This is a compelling force behind the success of his venture ‘Physics Wallah.’

        Initially, Alakh Pandey is a depressed and motiveless guy. He has no option for survival except teaching. He gets a chance at an institute but there something unexpected happen and he is terminated by the management.

        After sometime, he gets an another chance to teach at an another institute. There, he manages all stuff of the institute like repairing water cooler, fan maintenance etc. He initiates to expand the teaching area and in attempt of that he tries to convince the owner of the institute to purchase a marriage hall that was situated besides the institute. 

A scene from the web series shows Alakh Pandey interacting to biology teacher ‘Soniya’ who is a Muslim ‘Sania Raza’ at Sangam in Allahabad.

         There is a biology teacher. Everyone calls her Soniya. She likes him but he willingly ignores her because of his first love who cheated on him. With time, he interacts with Soniya. After several days of romantic talks on phone calls, he wishes to marry with her. She denies because she was Muslim with name Sania Raza. A girl again hurts him. He becomes sentimental. 

       One day, he returns to the institute and sees the institute owner with a new car inspite of purchasing the marriage hall. In angry and frustration, he breaks the glass of the new car by throwing stone and flees to Koti, a village in Uttarakhand. 

         In Koti village, he understands the nuances of ‘Everything has a purpose’ by loosing his bag, going to a lodge where he meets some foreigners. He goes for a tattoo of mathematical symbol ‘pie’ and eats something as pain relief. But, there is something intoxicated and he accidentally goes in the middle of a forest where he witnesses Galaxy Point. 

A scene from the web series when he learns the purpose of life in Koti.

          At Galaxy Point, he suddenly meets Verma sir (it is supposed to be great HC Verma). Verma sir has written two books namely ‘Concept of Physics’ in numerical version that can’t be solved at all. I also tried to solve when I was pursuing my intermediate but I was unlucky. This part of story shows the conversation of Verma sir at Galaxy point with him holds how much truth I don’t know but it is a fact that he has taken an interview of him on his online channel. 

          At Koti, in attempt to teach the lodge’s son, he gets the idea of online teaching. He started to shoot video by his mobile. When he came in the online education, Internet connectivity was not good and cheaper. He struggles for long. It is believed that his fate turns with the launch of Jio that provides cheaper internet to all. 2-3 years of struggle ends with going viral of his one of the videos based on ‘Theory of Relativity’ firstly proven by Albert Einstein.

           An app developer from Delhi convinces him to start offline coaching, both succeed in their attempt and a frustrated and negative chap Alakh Pandey, who demoralises even his girlfriend and her father over so called cheating on him, and does everything unexpected in anger and emotion, becomes a billionaire with the brand name of ‘Physics Wallah.’

A scene from the web series shows when he was immature and emotional and tries to learn the basics of how to teach.

           When Physics Wallah was growing, Unacademy and BUJU’s were also leading players in the industry and still they are. Unacademy was founded by two IAS topper Roman Saini and Gaurav Munjal. Both resigned from their services and made Unacademy an empire. The institute contracted with all top teachers of the country. Mrunal sir, economist teacher based in Ahmedabad, also joined the Unacademy. I have also learnt his material from his website. It was big breakthrough for the institute.

          It is said that both Unacademy and Byju’s display loss, Physics Wala earns profit because it never expenses on marketing. Where both companies focus the richest students charging 40k to 100k as fee for their courses, but Physics Wala concentrates on rest of the students and charges minimal cost without spending any cost on marketing. 

          In the series, it is shown that a giant institute  ‘Youth Academy’ (it is believed that it is one of the above) manages to purchase many teachers of the Physics Wallah. Alakh Pandey experiences many emotional shock and decides to shut down the Physics Wallah. Following a conversation with his father, ultimately he survives: ‘You are a leader and everyone does not get this opportunity’ and he changes his decision to shut down the ‘Physics Wallah’.

**Video Grab from Physics Wallah Instagram** Alakh Pandey.

          Shreedhar Dubey’s acting as Alakh Pandey is good. His pitch gravitates the audience. His delivery of colloquial language is connecting. Script is written logically and it answers all doubts and questions created in the series. How and why anything happens, the story replies. But the storyline is a little bit predictable with some boring long scenes.    

Star: **** (4 out of 5)

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

My Diary: Day in circles of Connaught Place

        One day, winter just began in Delhi, I was wandering without purpose in the circles of Connaught Place. I was observing the people and glancing the beauty in wish of getting the real one. I was doing this for approximately half an hour. 

(This picture is taken on Jan. 3, 2022.)

         Suddenly my feet were jammed by an action of a well-dressed man who was trying to hide the broken button of his coat. The bottom was not broken accidentally. It was marking his bad days. But, I actually ignored him and stepped my feet forward.

         My mind was busy in messing up happenings around me. I just crossed a block remembering some employees eating bread (Roti) and vegetables with tea outside an office where I sometimes visited. I felt restlessness and sat on a railing of the inner circle to get rid of this unnecessary thinking.

         But, how I tried to go beyond the incidents, I got myself entangled. My hands automatically held my head and my mind started going deeper and deeper. 

        At moment, a dialogue of the film 'The Pursuit of Happiness' stunned me: When I was young...and I'd get an ‘A’ on a history test or whatever...I'd get this good feeling about all the things that I could be. And then I never became any of them."

        I was going through the same. But, my thinking was different and struggle for my pursuit was seperated. That was the day of only thinking for me. No action was required. The sun was setting. I was still there. Clock hit seven and I again began wandering the circle to conclude the purpose after my first failure.

Mood- Energetic😍😍

(It was originally written in December 2021 when I doing a job of Rs. 16,000 in my one of the worst condition.)

My Diary: Taste of my first failure

        It was mid August of 2015. I was confused to appear in the examination. I had no confidence that time for the exam, but the unjustified reasons of society forced me to bid for the chance.

       Doubts had vast ranges that also held labour and motivation. Why I was hesitating to appear in that exam is yet mystery, but it is a fact that then the propelling factors were impatience. I was carrying the burden of hopes and desires.

Picture is taken on Jan. 3, 2023 in New Delhi.

        I was just growing in the arena of people coming from different states, religions and beliefs. I was not aware of dishonesty, intention of cheating and getting benefits in human relationships and theft, but in a short period of time in the new city I experienced all the above. 

       Many stuffs were going with me. I had no sense about those. I was focused by my goal in unilateral direction. Books were everything for me. Sitting 8-10 hours for the study was the top priority. 

        Actually, It was phase of transition and illusion. In this phase, thinking is far different from actuality and people presume it as real. It forces people to go against those who are average in their perspectives. Depiction starts making space in mind and it is proved right after sometime when they go across almost every topic during preparation, and rest of the masses does not get experience of it.

       It is a phase of alienation from society. Average people and unlike minds that go long can be justified in the name of family, society and self motivation. Books become real friend. Utilising time to read more and more is second one. 

       With 1 year of preparation, 8 hours of study, full confidence and the expectations of the family, society and self, I appeared for the examination.

        Everything was going good. I arrived at examination centre on time. Documents were okay and I entered the hall with jolly mood. Paper-1 was apparently good and 2 was better just after the examination. Answer keys of the question paper came out in the market. I started checking my performance.

        Simple questions started following the track of becoming wrong. First polity question was wrong, second was too, and when the third polity found its same fate; my heart beat went increasing. When even a history question became wrong; I lost my hope. My mind went silent and the body experienced a unique situation that I had never gone through.

         One year of labour had now no meaning. All hopes had been destroyed, but the expectations were still alive. For more than a month, I never touched books and fell in love with the tea to fight against loneliness. Loneliness was getting its pace. It got accelerated after the going of my girlfriend after result.

          But, it was my fate. Journey had to start again. Destroyed courage and motivation were waiting to be restored. I collected all my scattered elements of success after my first failure, and began my voyage for an uncertain journey.

Mood- Depressed πŸ˜”πŸ˜”

(It was originally written in November 2021 remembering the situation after the first failure in civil services examination in 2015.)

Sunday, January 1, 2023

My Diary: From dream of IAS to job of Rs. 16,000

          When I look back I get a valuable insight from my life journey. Getting failure after failure in the India's prestigious Civil Services examination is one of the non-demanding outcomes of my preparation that stamps the clue of some fault lines.

My Study Table. (Pic by R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

        I had no sense of passing through this complicated period full of problems, taunt and social stigmatic episode. Any of you who has gone by this solstice can draw the blueprint of embarrassment and insult how much one faces.

        Holding the dream of becoming a civil servant is initially ambition with a hope of life, but later on it has not been less than nightmare.

       My graduation days mark the first step in learning from the undesired phase that was never wanted. All day was going in thinking about the aim and ways to achieve it. Study was under control. Library was my second home. Purchasing books and turning each page passionately was my habit that continue even today, but labour had been lost after my first attempt. 

        I did not understand the reason of securing apparently low score in prelims. Many aspirants suggested me you should prefer smart study, and I applied too but I was unable to be shortlisted in the list.

My fate followed the same till my 3rd attempt when I was out by minimal margin. 

         I attempted state services examination. I got some relief of passing the prelims and mains but overall I was not recommended.

         One thing I realised at this point that I was dumb yet for this exam. My preperation was not up to the mark that's why I was out of the competition. My mind was like 'C' and I was too. But, that time is over and I have still 3 more attempts. I need to focus on future not past because past is painful.

         Night is darkest before the dawn. This is night for me, which became more frustrating and depressing when I decided to utilise my training of journalism. This is totally different field for those who are assigned with this unlike subject.

         Getting job with my current organisation was not tougher than becoming used to be the departmental niche. In interview, HR started showing his mastery of demoralising and demotivating the candidates including me. I was not aware of this approach and I got trapped. In 3-5 minutes of conversation, he made a negative decision and offered me a job of Rs. 16,000 in a low graded department of the company.

         Sometimes money does not matter. It matters what you experienced with low stipend. It even matters what outcome I get from my first job.

         Actually, it is a process of weaving my tendency, manner and attitude in different context to deal the situation like the present one in the next professional set up and destination. 

        It will happen always and people like here will always meet me at another company. Sometimes, ignoring them will be one of the strategies and sometimes dealing and tackling the situation smartly will be second one.

        I can say this because a girl like rotten fish was here. Undeserving seniors are here, who believe in back biting and defame others in the name of getting self reputation. People of different attitudes are here, who are totally separated in context of any of the matter, but they think they are smart and can make fool others. I have gone through these and I am getting insight from the above with stipend of Rs. 16,000.

Mood- Unbearable πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜Œ

(It was originally written in November 2021.)

My Diary: Whenever I feel sad, I opt riding metro

        Metros are neck-packed with young to old men and women going their workplaces. They are in an unconditional race that will never end. They are running it with depressed and frustrated faces. They run carrying burden of their family and social responsibility. They also run to get hand-on experience to achieve bigger. Those who are running this race of life, it is believed, many of them are only participants and hold no euphoria to win or loose.

       People running this race are supposed to be not financially capable of taking private ride. It has become a social consensus in India for those using public transport that they are struggling in their life sphere however car pooling and riding public transport are becoming an overwhelmed mean to eradicate the air pollution. 

       I am also a participant of this race. Peddling my first step in the race provides me an opportunity to watch the faces of beauty with the depressed face during office hour. On Thursday, Dec. 29, 2022, it was such a day. I was getting bored and decided to wander the city. I visit Sarojini Nagar, a marketplace for women in Delhi, where clothes are sold at cheaper prices. It was overcrowded in noon but in the morning I could walk freely the market. 

A low footfall of customers at Sarojini Nagar market on Thursday Morning, Dec. 29, 2022, in the National Capital. (Pic by R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

      The reason behind visiting this market was my two-year experience of seeing the metro train vacant at this station when I went my previous office by this way. It happened per day. People got off the train in large especially women to visit the market. And, I felt relief after Sarojini Nagar station and I wished to go there getting only a glimpse of the place. On that particular day, I managed to go to the place. It actually haunted me. It was neck-packed and no one was there bare-handed, everyone had purchased something. It was actually a good marketplace for them that provides an option to purchase clothes at minimal price. 

       After some time, I again rode a metro. It was also packed with people. Men and women were riding in same situation. There was no partiality. Young women in colourful hair were the centre of attraction for many. They were alluring points among the commuters. But, my point is different, girls having long hair have always been gravitating me. 

       I passed more than 2 hours in metro visiting from one station to another. It felt me comfort seeing people who are less opportune and disadvantageous than me. Many of them are struggling, I am too. One of my acquainted satirically said, ''Girls of Sarojini Nagar pretend themselves as the girls of South Delhi."

Last selfie of 2022 on the last day of the year during a metro ride coming back room at 10:45 on Saturday Night, Dec. 31, 2022 in Delhi. (Pic by R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

      My trip became over. I sat in my room remembering Mahatma Gandhi's Talisman,''Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him [her]. Will he [she] gain anything by it? Will it restore him [her] to a control over his [her] own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj [freedom] for the hungry and spiritually starving millions? Then you will find your doubts and your self melt away."

Mood- Relieved. 😌😌