
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

My Diary: 12 resolutions for 2023’s 12 months

         2022 has become a chapter in History. It is said History repeats itself. But, how a year can repeat itself! Its events, actions and happenings might hit the world again, that is called the repetition of the year. And when it repeats itself, humankind is aware to solve its grievances and to tackle unwanted happenings. 

Victory sign. Photo by R. Suresh Bhardwaj

         January is close to end. To be stable, to be stress-free and to get away of any mess-up, two months with a month of previous year have been passed. I have only eleven months in new year 2023 to perform all the things what I wish to complete. Let take journey of my 12 resolutions for 12 months of the year.

Resolution- 1 : Limit the frequency of tea

         I have many bad habits and taking tea is one of them which became a part of life from my graduation days. This habit grew up gradually with a friend, who is currently teaching in Jamshedpur University, talking about a girl for hours at tea shops. That was a phase of romanticism in a city which provided me a way to explore the world with a clear and vast vision.

         Now a day, it has become weakness not to get rid of taking cup of tea after cup. Now, its need of the hour to limit its frequency by two, one in the morning and another in the evening. Green tea in the morning and an another cup of tea/coffee in the evening. 

Resolution- 2 : No care to Other's talk

         Ignoring the people is the best way to be happy. What people say it does not matter, it matters what you are. Remember the song ‘Kuch to Log Kahenge, Logon ka Kaam hai Kahna’, and go the way what you want. Remember all success stories of the time that are enough to teach you how the perception of people has been shifting as per our pre-and-post success journey. 

Resolution- 3 : Invest your spare time in reading (At least an hour)

         There is no substitute of reading which gives you all the thing what you want. It never hurts. It never gives you pain. It never forces you to feel grief. It always gives you ideas. It provides you perspectives that help to get deeper meaning of the context. It always adds value to your life journey. 

Resolution - 4 : Always learn new skills and ideas 

         At present, only one thing can happen: Either you are doing your wished/favourite work or you are doing something other in hope of your wished one. If you are in first category, you have no issue to be disappointed in your life but if you fall in the second category, you need to be prepared for the first one. And, you must learn new skills and its execution to get familiar with your work what you want. 

         With the dawning of the new year, I have decided to learn ‘English Typing’, ‘MS Word’, ‘Photography’, ‘Photoshop’, ‘Nuances of Writing and Editing’, and most importantly Spoken English proficiently. Personality development with a good dressing sense is one of them. Let me see what would be the rate of performance after assessment in the end of the year. And, I think it must be above distinction.

Resolution - 5 : Read at least 6 hours a day

         It might be one of the toughest resolution of the year due to time-packed schedule of the day including 7-8 hours of office and 6 hours of sleep. Achieving this would be a milestone for me and also a watershed moment in my life!

Resolution - 6 : Get rid of digital world at least for 48 hours (2 days) in a month 

         I am surrounded by mobile phone, laptop, desktop and internet. I have almost been trapped in the digital world by its uses and need, also passing time on social media and habit of online reading.

        Keeping all means of digital connectivity away for at least 48 hours in a month will help to connect me passionately with more people. Exchange of thought and gossips with people will give real-time experience to understand human behaviour and attitude as per their manner. 

Resolution - 7 : Exercise daily 

          Health is wealth. It is said that a good mind performs any work speedily, efficiently and perfectly. Exercising at least half an hour everyday is my next resolution of the year. 

Resolution - 8 : Eat healthy food

          A healthy diet nourishes body, mind and wisdom. It helps in musle-building and gives a perfect appearance that makes a person attractive and energetic. I have prepared a diet chart to follow for all time and it falls in the list of 2023 resolutions. 

Resolution - 9 : Early to bed and early to rise 

        Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 

          I have been listening to this lyrics from my childhood but I never gets its applicability. For its proper implication, I have purchased an online ‘Time Management Course’ by Ankur Warikoo at a minimal cost and no doubt it is helping me to manage my time. 

Resolution - 10 : Sleep at least for 6 hours

        A habit of sleeping more than 6 hours has been developed in my latest life style. That is too bad. I have decided to manage my sleep hour.

Resolution - 11 : Look forward there should be no scope in past 

          It is said that first experience should be good which shapes your behaviour and attitude in a particular situation. But, my first experience at a previous employer was so worst that I can’t explain it in words. If I think positively, it was good to me because the time always proves itself with the well-versed line ‘Every action has a purpose.’ And, that period gives me an opportunity to learn patience and to deal persons who were totally out of context. In one sentence, I can say, the atmosphere of the work place had made me mentally ill. 

Resolution - 12 : what you do at present decides what you would be: Speak, Write and Go consciously 

         It is the last but not least resolution of the year. It is hundred billion dollar step taken by me that should be edited before being done. Speak softly, write wisely and step confidently. What you think and desire must be executed in a filtered way. After many year your action will decide your future. 

         Be a good man in the nature’s eye. Ignore all who deviates you from your journey. And, stick with your plan that should be one and only goal of your every activity. 

Mood- Optimistic 😇😇😇😇

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