
Tuesday, January 3, 2023

My Diary: Day in circles of Connaught Place

        One day, winter just began in Delhi, I was wandering without purpose in the circles of Connaught Place. I was observing the people and glancing the beauty in wish of getting the real one. I was doing this for approximately half an hour. 

(This picture is taken on Jan. 3, 2022.)

         Suddenly my feet were jammed by an action of a well-dressed man who was trying to hide the broken button of his coat. The bottom was not broken accidentally. It was marking his bad days. But, I actually ignored him and stepped my feet forward.

         My mind was busy in messing up happenings around me. I just crossed a block remembering some employees eating bread (Roti) and vegetables with tea outside an office where I sometimes visited. I felt restlessness and sat on a railing of the inner circle to get rid of this unnecessary thinking.

         But, how I tried to go beyond the incidents, I got myself entangled. My hands automatically held my head and my mind started going deeper and deeper. 

        At moment, a dialogue of the film 'The Pursuit of Happiness' stunned me: When I was young...and I'd get an ‘A’ on a history test or whatever...I'd get this good feeling about all the things that I could be. And then I never became any of them."

        I was going through the same. But, my thinking was different and struggle for my pursuit was seperated. That was the day of only thinking for me. No action was required. The sun was setting. I was still there. Clock hit seven and I again began wandering the circle to conclude the purpose after my first failure.

Mood- Energetic😍😍

(It was originally written in December 2021 when I doing a job of Rs. 16,000 in my one of the worst condition.)

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