
Monday, June 20, 2022

A perspective from the Crematorium ground

      Burning pyre is the ultimate truth of life, and the crematorium ground is the actual place of truth, honesty and a showcase of what you have actually earned in your life.

People going to the crematorium ground to take part in the final rites of mr Ravi Raveendran (Pic- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

     Mr Ravi Raveendran, former deputy editor at ANI photo services, was rich in the context of the above. All who listened this tragic news of his death visit to pay tributes and lay wreath in his memory. Presence of press persons from the media industry revealed his actual personality and opened a new chapter in his post-death life.

        In my short spell of 27 years old life, I acquainted many people, and I have no hesitation to confess that my current boss is one of them who appreciated his colleagues more. One who laid wreath at the mortal remains of mr Ravi Raveendran was not him, but one of his colleague. It is a rare example that is seen hardly in this pragmatic societal set up. He is actually a elegant man.

       Officially and unofficially, it was my first real time affair to witness burning the pyre of anyone. There was pin-drop silence when the ritual was being performed before torching the pyre. Gathering of people started behaving as per the time demand, and I claim that everyone there was pondering this ultimate truth of life. What factors behind the society that run it without any strict rules and regulation?

In returning from the crematorium ground, I snapped a picture at the gate saying many quotations. That can be read as…

A picture from the crematorium gate showing the quotations (Pic- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

“Untouchability becomes erased in the crematorium as men visit here

When Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Kshudra burnt at the same place.” (जाते ही शमशान में मिट गयी सबछुआछूत 

जब एक ही जगह जले ब्राह्मण क्षत्रिय वैश्य और क्षुद्र)

“Everyone's conscience (ego) got burnt in crematorium

That is roamed by us in the market.” (जल गए सबके जमीर श्मशान में

जिन्हे लिए फिरते हैं हम बाजार में)

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