
Sunday, June 19, 2022

In the Memory of my first deputy boss

To Mr Ravi Raveendran 

         His soul has left for its heavenly abode. He was my first deputy boss at ANI photo services. I am writing to a man even after knowing the fact that he is no more and no longer listening what I am pronouncing by words.

         It is my first experience at a work place looking at the people coming and going, and living in the fear of insecurity. That is different matter. 

         But, the need of the hour is that what I observed spending my time with him to decode in the public domain. 

          He was actually a soft man, but in the sake of the department, he pretended himself among the colleagues as a strict man. After spending meaningful years in the AFP, he preferred to be part of ANI. And, every conscious person who either worked with these reputable world-famous companies or is informed about those can easily extract that if a mind actually has accepted high standards, it is not so simple to adjust with another. But, he tried and successfully became part of it.

         Life has no meaning, and even it is unpredictable. No one knows what will happen next and what is already planned by nature in one’s life and career. 

         It is also right in some cases to jot down that coming events cast their shadows. But, we should prefer to talk lovingly, honestly and unmaliciously. Be calm and quite. Go with your attitude. Stand with truth and do good to others without any expectation. It should be motto of life. 

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