
Friday, June 10, 2022

Film: The Theory of Everything

Book/Film Review - 7

         Hollywood elegant actor Eddie Redmayne starrer ‘The Theory of Everything’ tells the tale of an excellent astrophysics student Stephen Hawking who has been working on his research, learns that he suffers from motor neurone disease and has around two years to live. This movie is directed by James Marsh. 

          Motor neurone disease (MND) is an uncommon condition that affects the brain and nerves. It causes weakness that gets worse over time. There's no cure for MND, but there are treatments to help reduce the impact it has on a person's daily life. NHS writes about this disease on its website. 

         It is said that there is a woman behind every successful person, and it is seen becoming true in the movie. Felicity Jones (Jane Wilde) falls in love with Hawkins, and even after knowing he is suffering from MNS and there is no cure for the disease, ties knot with him gives birth to three babies. After writing ‘A brief history of time’ on black holes in the wheelchair, he says to her wife indicating to their children that Jane, see what we have created! 

          It was his courage and strong wish to live with this disease which even in the wheelchair, he could be able to publish his work and to contribute to the evolution of science. 

What can we learn from this movie? 

          In a short period of time, his happiness seems to be destroyed. Girlfriend would make her own way without him and the dream will hold no meaning. But, time proves itself again that the destiny always gives a path even after being closed all. His body can’t move an inch, but in this disease, brain works and he utilised his capacity of brain with the help of computer that can trace his thinking with the sense of his nerves. 

Learning- If you think that this is the end of your life, actually it’s not the actual end because every action happens with a cause. We need to find out that cause and should run with nature’s purpose. We’ll definitely achieve the goal that we wish. 


          If there is wish, there is a way. Hawking’s friends, professors and his wife unconditionally start supporting him in his never expected painful life. He allowed his life to marry with another guy. He was real hero who give preference to a woman’s joy whose priority was to look after him. 

Learning- We should always find happiness in other’s happiness. If we are able to do so, we automatically become the owner of real happiness and joyful life. 

Mood- Joyful😍☺️

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