
Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Magic Beyond Words: The JK Rowling Story

Book/Film Review- 6

        Disclaimer: This movie can be watched on Netflix. It is not an authorised biography of novel-series Harry Potter’s writer JK Rowling. What is filmed about her life in the movie is already in the public domain and nothing can be traced by spending almost 1 and half hour for this.


         As per this movie, JK Rowling is an English teacher who teaches kids. One day, she visits a party and meets a journalist. He falls in love with her. After spending some days, she ties knot with him and gives a birth to a baby. Over the incidents of domestic violence, both get separated and she moves to a different place and starts living on social security. During this period, she gets published and her book breaks many records in the book publishing industry. Rest part of the story, almost everyone knows.

What can we learn from her life?

          She was planning to write 7 book set of novel for many years. She made plot, storyline and many of things that was required to jot down the story in her frustrating and mundane life period. She got idea from her real life and modified it in an action of magic. For example, she defined cap as sorting hat, broomstick as magical broomstick, the keeper of things as creatures like wisest man who do not make more friends, and negative people as dementors. 

           Learning- We should never waste time in loneliness. We should focus on coping up the skills so that these would provide us benefits in our future. By doing so, we are not only able to spend time easily but also get rid of that problems, people and demotivation that cause more loneliness and frustration. Don’t worry it is said that the best idea originates in bad times.


          She has been rejected by many publishers to be published for her first novel on the statement of ‘Children book can’t make money’. She gets some sorts of disappointment, but never loses hope and keeps on writing because it was her passion. One day she is called by a publisher with an offer to publish her first novel. Her hope works and passion comes with success. 

          Learning- Never lose hope. If we are passionate about anything and do work to achieve our goal, nature starts plotting to fulfil our dream.


          In a conversation with a publisher, she says that she writes for her passion for writing, not for money. But, her book almost breaks all records and gives a way to her to gain money. She also never knew that her book would become her billionaire writer. But it happened even after spending a stressful and frustrating life on social security.

          Learning- It is said that the more frustrating life gives you more suitable place. It happened with JK Rowling and many others. Never think why these are happening with us only. It is nature’s way to test your ability and wish that where you are fitted for.


Mood- Hopeful and passionate 😘😘

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