
Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy Father’s Day

This picture was taken on my first younger sister’s marriage in Varanasi in December 2020. My father was performing rituals sitting with my mother (not in the frame) and I was observing the whole thing closely for the first time. 

That was such a moment in my life that I could not imagine how precious, marvellous and full of unseen eagerness it was, when I was spending full time with family members after a long time. Later, the marriage hall became a place of gossip, joking, mimicking and taunting others to pass time. It had been happening till early morning when I fell asleep.

My father is ex-serviceman (Army) and has served to the nation. The first thing I got in my childhood from him was discipline, and it is still my core of my life. Whatever you were doing it does not matter, it matters how serious and disciplined you are towards your work, that is the step to your future reputation, name and fame. Be loyal to your work, but I feel I was not serious initially for my civil services preparation so I still peddles for this.

Actually, I belong to rural India and I have sense of everything what the villagers face everyday. Brothers fight each other for money, property and other things in many cases. Sons are living with their family in the separate room, and parents are struggling for many things. It can be seen in the urban and sub-urban parts of India too. The short story ‘Buddhi Kaki’ written by Premchand is the perfect portrayal of it. But, I had been observing my mother living with my grandmother in the village and looking after her with me and my siblings. Then, my father was out of the home for his service. These all the happenings shaped my mind in different manner, and it happened because of my father. 

Loyalty and honesty are the things of my father that I learnt more. It had occupied a space in my conscious and sub conscious mind and as a by-product of it, it gives a birth to the emotionality in my heart, and I feel it has sometimes been going against me when I start taking care of persons so that they would secure a reputable position in their career.

What I learnt from my father

-Be straight forward because it hurts people for some time and later on they realise that that was right for me for that particular time.

-Either you stand this side or that side, there is no middle side. I stand always with my duty, work and occupation. Work comes first, other things come latter. 

-Always make a stance in a situation that fix your credibility. 

That’s all!

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