
Saturday, June 4, 2022

Buddha the rebellion compels me to take a shower at 2:30 AM

     It is said that if you are not getting focused due to several issues, write these down. And, it works. I jotted down many and I am stress-free now. At 2:30 AM, I took a shower because I was unable to concentrate on studying after doing 8 hours of work in the office. I know what I am doing at the time is not my job and it will not be, but when it will be achieved what I want is in the grave of the future.

Buddha occupies space on my study table (PC- R. Suresh Bhardwaj)

       On my study table, a statue of meditated Buddha occupies the space and always motivates me to do something out of my comfort. Everyone knows his story that how left his home and kept on wandering about seven years and then attained knowledge at the age of 35.

      The Buddha's story is well versed but the interpretation of his life journey tells a different tale. At that time, in the post-Vedic period, society was divided into four groups called Varnas. Kshatriya ruled the society on the advice of Brahmans and followed the rituals made by them. But, Buddha as Mahavira broke their comfort, attained knowledge, and raised questions in his sermons against the Brahman's rituals. It was a revolution against the Brahmanic dogmas. 

      In that period, it demanded courage, wisdom, and confidence to challenge the establishment and to make a way beyond comfort. It is also relevant today. The context is different, but the problem is the same. Break the comfort, cross your limit and be a leader of the society. 

Mood- Sad and Gloomy.😢😞

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